Friday 15 December 2017

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Bangalore 1 Kannada, även känd som Bengaluru är huvudstaden i den indiska staten Karnataka Det är Indien s Tredje största staden med en beräknad befolkning på 8 474 970 2011. I en nyligen genomförd undersökning, som genomfördes av den globala HR-konsulten Mercer, blev Bangalore röstad som den mest levande staden i Indien och slog Mumbai Chennai New Delhi och Kolkata 2 renhetshänvisningar, Bangalore rankas 12: e I Indien 3. När man kallat Garden City of India och Pensionsparadisens Paradis gäller dessa epiteter inte längre för Bangalore, som nu är en stor, kosmopolitisk stad med minskande grönområden och en stor arbetande befolkning. Bangalore är Indiens största centrum s IT-industrin, populärt känd som Indias Silicon Valley. Förstå Redigera. Historia Redigera. Tidigaste rekord av en plats med namnet Bengaluru finns i ett 9-talets tempel i ett område som nu är känt som Old Bangalore. Legend har det att den feodala Herr Kempe Gowda var en gång jakt på detta område, en kanin vände sig och angreppade sin hund. Detta gjorde ett bra intryck på Gowda och han gav platsen en titel av gandu bhoomi hjälteplatsen och år 1537 med Med hjälp av den lokala kungen, byggde han tre distrikt skyddade av ett murat fort på plats. Under de kommande tre århundradena fanns Bangalore mycket i skuggan av den närliggande staden Mysore och kontrollen av staden bytte händerna många gånger År 1831 markerade En viktig vändpunkt för staden Påstå krig av kungen Krishna Raja Wodeyar III, brittiska tog kontroll över Mysore-riket och eventuellt påverkat av stadens häftiga klimat flyttade den administrativa huvudstaden till Bangalore. Nya telekommunikationssystem lades, järnvägsanslutningar Byggda, fina offentliga byggnader konstruerade och stadens berömda parker och trädgårdar etablerade Efter självständighet behöll Bangalore sin position som huvudstad Karnataka och fortsätter att blomstra. För många år var Bangalore känt i hela Indien som den mest gröna, liberala och Framtänkande stad De senaste åren har dessa attribut drivit Bangalore till spetsen för den högteknologiska industrin boom i N Indien, och det rankas för närvarande som Indiens mest utvecklade stad och ett av världens snabbast växande stadsområden. Namnet Bangalore verkar komma från en anglicisering av namnet Bengaluru - en anpassning av det tidigare namnet i Kannada Benda Kaalu Uru Town of Boiled Beans Tydligen blev detta ganska ödmjuka namn betecknat till staden av King Vira Ballala En gång medan den förlorades i området erbjöds han kokta bönor av en gammal kvinna och det var oerhört tacksamt att han namngav området efter denna enkla Offering. Sobriquets Edit. Garden City of India. Silicon Valley of India. Pensioners Paradise. IT huvudstad i Indien. Climate Edit. Unlike andra delar av Indien som är extremt heta under sommarmånaderna, har Bangalore ett relativt milt klimat året runt. Sommar - Februari till maj topp temperaturen är under april och maj. Månad - juni till oktober är de tyngsta regnen typiskt mellan juni och augusti. Vinter - november till januari med december är den kallaste månaden. Sommartemperaturer Kan nå upp till 36 C 97 F och tidigt på morgonen temperaturer på vintern svänger omkring 12 C 54 F. Bangalore visar också plötsliga klimatförändringar under en dag Det kan vara varmt och fuktigt på morgonen, det kan regna på eftermiddagen och vända Ut för att vara blåsigt och kallt sent på kvällen Å andra sidan kan det vara varmt och sultigt för några dagar i veckan och det kan bli plötsligt regn och doppa i kvicksilver under de närmaste dagarna Medan vädret och dessa förändringar , Som sådan, är roligt, detta leder också till spridning av virusinfektioner. Med huvudstaden i Karnataka är det officiella språket i Bangalore Kannada Men de flesta kan också tala tamil, hindi eller engelska andra indiska språk som hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Bengali, Marathi, Odia, Tulu och Konkani talas också av respektive invandrargemenskap. De flesta detaljhandeln i staden utförs på engelska, liksom de flesta tecknen skrivs på engelska bredvid Kannada. co Jag är väldigt praktisk när du arbetar med arbetsgrupper som vägarna, flickor. Men de flesta affärsägare, bilförare, bussledare och tjänsteleverantörer kan prata om grundläggande engelska hindi, tamil och telugu om det behövs. För att hälsa på Kannada, säg Namaskara To Fråga, hur mår du i kannada, säg hegidira för att säga, jag mår bra i kannada, säger Channagidini att fråga hur mycket i kanannan säga eshtu att säga, för dyr i kannan säger tumba jasthi att tacka i kannan, säg Dhanyawada . KempeGowda International Airport IATA BLR, ICAO VOBL 4 ligger i Devanahalli, 40 km 25 mi från det centrala affärsdistriktet Bangalore MG Road och 30 km 19 miles från Bangalore City Railway Station. Den nya flygplatsen, som är öppen sedan maj 2008, är bland Indien är mest trafikerade och mest moderna Flygplatsen är värd för 10 inhemska flygbolag och 21 internationella flygbolag som förbinder staden till cirka 50 destinationer över Indien och resten av världen. Flygplatsen fungerar som nav för Kingfisher Airlines och en fokusstad för Jet Airways 5 JetLite 6 IndiGo 7 SpiceJet 8 och GoAir 9.Notable international flights. Sometimes flygplatsen är föremål för operativa begränsningar på grund av dimma från 15 november till 15 februari mellan 3 AM IST - 8 30 AM IST Flygförseningar och avvikelser kan uppstå på vissa morgnar på grund av att Morgondimman Flygplatsoperatören har ett förfrågningsnummer för att kontrollera om det finns väderrelaterade förseningar 91 80 66782255, 91 80 66782251 eller ringa flygcentrets callcenter. Flygplatsen har en internationell och en inhemsk termin Al Det finns uttagsautomater och valutaväxling på flygplatsen Det finns ett växande antal matställen för resenären och ett bra urval av single malt whisky i avgiftsfritt avsnitt. När du reser från Bangalore flygplats, se till att kontrollera restriktioner på tider För incheckning av bagage och se till att ta ut en utskrift av ditt ombordstigningspass med dig till flygplatsen. För flygningar som lämnar tidigt morgontimmar som 3:00 kan du behöva checka påsar så mycket som 2 5 timmar i förväg. Från Flygplatsen BIAL till Bangalore City Edit. Buses Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation BMTC 32 driver bussar från olika punkter i staden var 15: e minut till Bangalore International Airport BLR Totalt 156 bussar till och från flygplatsen 40 av dessa bussar är luftkonditionerade Volvo bussar, kallad Vayu Vajra Kostnaden för varje resa i dessa bussar varierar mellan Rs 50-250 beroende på avståndet. Det här är det billigaste och ett extremt bekvämt sätt att komma till flygplatsen dessutom Ervice är tillgänglig varje dag, dag och natt. Medan du tar det här läget är du medveten om att du behöver någon att hämta dig från busshållplatsen eller om du behöver en auto rickshaw-tur för den sista milen. City City Taxi Dessa är luftkonditionerade sedans som Är licensierade av flygplatsen för att främst tillhandahålla förbindelser mellan den internationella flygplatsen till staden. Taxibilarna är vanligtvis Renault Logans eller Toyota Etios-modeller och sport. Ett taxi-skylt för enkel identifiering. Utrustad med hastighetschefer och GPS-spårade, dessa är överlägset säkraste Och bästa sättet att komma till staden från flygplatsen De tre företag som driver dessa taxibilar är MegaCabs Telefon 91-80-47474747 Webbplats Meru Cabs Telefon 91-80-4422 4422 Webbplats och det statliga KSTDC Telefon 91-80-4466 4466 Webbplatsavgift enligt en standard digital mätare vid INR 80 för de första 4 kilometer, följt av INR19 50 per kilometer efter det att A 10 tilläggsavgift gäller mellan midnatt och 6:00. En resa från flygplatsen till CBD kommer att St runt INR800-INR900.Radio Cabs Alternativt kan du också ta en radiokanal Det enda som du behöver hyra dessa hytter är mobildata Om dina data fungerar behöver du bara hämta mobilappen och boka hytten i närheten. Mest populära radio Hyttjänster i Bangalore är Uber och Ola. Mobilappen ger möjlighet att välja vilken typ av bil som varierar från hatchback till sedan och deras priser är också ganska rimliga i jämförelse med flygplats taxi. Vanligtvis kostar det från INR 600 till 1000 för att nå någon plats I Bangalore city. When du lämnar passagerarterminalbyggnaden, leta efter det stora tecknet utanför som säger Airport Taxis som kommer att peka åt vänster Följ skylten tills du ser taxokön, där valeter leder dig till din taxi På väg till Taxi kön kan du bli kontaktad av privata taxichaufförer som kommer att försöka få dig att ta sina taxibilar istället ignorera dessa om du inte känner att du kan förhandla en skattesats billigare än flygplatsen taxi och är villig att ta Ke den associerade risken. Som ett alternativ, om du har en Uber eller Ola en lokal tjänst som liknar Uber app på din smartphone kan du ringa för en hytt med hjälp av detta också. Notera att när du lämnar Airport Complex måste du Betala en vägtull på INR120 för att använda motorvägen för att komma till staden Detta är vanligtvis buren av passageraren, om inte annat ordnas i förväg. Betalad taxi Hertz, Carzonrent och Akbar Travels ger pre-betalda Limousine och biluthyrning via räknare på Terminalbyggnad Dessa kostar över 1200 kronor till CBD. Självstyrda bilar finns tillgängliga på självkörningsbasis Det finns tre olika typer av självdrivna bilar - den kompakta kategorin Suzuki Swift, mellanklassen Ford Fiesta, standardkategori Toyota Corolla, Multi Utility Vehicles Toyota Innova och Sport Utility Vehicles Ford Endeavour Dessa bilar kommer att ges till hyresgästen med en full bränsletank och bilen måste returneras med full bränsletank. En flexibel pick-up och avfallsanläggning i stan och vid Flygplatsen kommer att erbjudas Hyresgästen kan hämta bilen vid flygplatsen och sedan släppa den av var som helst i staden eller i Hyderabad eller Chennai På samma sätt kan bilen hämtas i någon av dessa städer och släpps ut på flygplatsen Ett lönsamt alternativ om du har en licens som gäller i Indien, och om du är säker på att köra i Indien är kaotisk trafik, kolla i god tid innan du gör planer. Carzonrent 33 och Zoomcar 34 ger dig biluthyrning i Bangalore. Hotell Pick-up Ett annat alternativ är att ordna med ditt hotell i Bangalore för att få en förare att hämta dig på flygplatsen Vissa hotell, särskilt de högre endarna, ger dig gratis service om du bor hos dem Om det är din första gång Reser till Bangalore, detta är det rekommenderade sättet att komma från flygplatsen till hotellet. Föraren kommer att hittas utanför flygplatsen med ett kort som bär ditt namn. Det enda problemet är att cirka 100 andra förare också ska vänta utanför Irport, alla vågar för din uppmärksamhet Lyckligtvis finns det en kort inhägnad gångväg som skiljer förarna från de som lämnar flygplatsen, vilket ger dig gott om tid och utrymme för att hitta din tur till Bangalore. Taxi andra Du kan fortfarande hitta en tur till Bangalore City i din Egen taxi till en mycket billigare pris än ovanstående alternativ om du är villig att ta risken. Taxiförare som inte godkänns av flygplatsen kommer att försöka förhandla med dig mycket lägre pris än de godkända EasyCabs och Meru-cabarna och kan komma ner Till så mycket som Rs 200-300 för en tur till Bangalore s CBD Man måste verkligen pruta mycket hårt eller du kommer att tas på tur. Dessa förare kan hittas strax bortom terminalplatsen på den täckta gångväg som leder till parkeringsplatser När du lämnar gångväg kan vissa förare bli ganska aggressiva och kanske försöka ta väskan utan ditt tillstånd. Det bästa är att hålla reda på och ha kontroll över dina tillhörigheter. Även den mest aggressiva taxichauffören o Du kommer att lämna dig ensam om du står fast och gör det klart att du inte vill ha hjälp. Det rekommenderas att fixa priset innan du går in i hytten och ingen tips är nödvändiga när du kommer till din destination. Välj inte det här läget Om du inte är bekant med priserna. Med tåg Edit. Bangalore har två stora järnvägsterminaler Bangalore City IR-stationskod SBC järnvägsstation ligger i hjärtat av staden, mittemot det majestätiska busstativet De flesta tåg, både lokalt och långt , Anländer och avgår härifrån Den andra terminalen är Yeshwantpur Junction IR-stationskod YPR ligger på NH-4 Tumkur Road Några mestadels långväga tåg anländer och avgår härifrån Två mindre järnvägsterminaler är Bangalore East IR-stationskod BNCE och Bangalore Cantonment IR Stationskod sent Krishnarajapuram KJM har blivit ett viktigt stopp på grund av närhet till IT-företag och ringvägen som bara passerar nära stationen och är väl förbunden med bussar till större delar. Det bildar också 1: a s Toppen för flertågståg som lämnar Yeshvantapur mot Jolarpettai. Bokningar kan göras på antingen järnvägsstationerna eller på de indiska järnvägsbokstavarna i stora kommersiella bostadsområden Bokning kan också göras online 35 Observera att om du bokar på Bangalore City och reser Till Mysore finns en separat räknare för resenärer till Mysore Detta är att ta hand om den stora mängden resenärer mellan Bangalore och Mysore Om du reser till Mysore på en söndagsmiddag, anländer du tidigt eftersom det vanligtvis är en lång rad att köpa biljetter. Som med Alla indiska järnvägsresor, har lite tålamod för förseningar Tåg är vanligtvis i tid inom 20 minuter av planerad tid men kan ibland vara sent En digital avgångstavla på stationen kommer att berätta vilken plattform ditt tåg är på och vilken tid det går. Resan är vanligtvis ganska billigt Till exempel kostar en biljett till Chennai cirka 360 km 5-6 timmar, var som helst från Rs 125 för den lägsta klassen till Rs 1 105 för högsta klassen S. For tåg ankomst avgång och PNR status förfrågningar vid olika järnvägsstationer i Bangalore, ring 139.Trafik från Mumbai till Bangalore med tåg tar lång tid 24 timmar eller så Bussar är relativt snabbare och ta 18-20 timmar, förutsatt att det inte finns några Trafikstockningar i Mumbai och Pune på väg Effektiv resetid med både tåg eller buss är lång Flygresor rekommenderas för att resa mellan Mumbai och Bangalore, vars varaktighet är ca 90 min. Lågprisflygbolag tar samma pris som AC-tåg eller Volvo-buss Men icke-A C-tågresa från Mumbai till Bangalore är ekonomiskt och du kan få utsikt över några frodiga vintergröna skogar och floddalar över västra Indien. Om du kommer till Yeshwantpur Junction måste du ta en taxi eller auto Rickshaw att komma in i staden Tunnelbanestationen bredvid stationen är en del av tunnelbanans fas I, som för närvarande är i drift från februari 2014. Drift mellan Sampige Road till Peenya Industrial Estate Via Yeshwanthpur vid Yeshwantp Ur Junction, det finns utgångar på 2 sidor av stationen, båda har officiella auto rickshaw bokningsräknare ligger framför, och många inofficiella taxibilar som väntar på kunder samt touts över stationen. Dessa taxibilar kommer att föreslå fasta priser baserat på din destination, but at a very elevated cost, for example Rs 600 to get to Indiranagar 14 km There is a taxi booth operated by a company called Fast Track located in front of the station exit on the side near the metro station This will be a metered taxi which offers a better rate about Rs 15-20 per km You will need to use considerable effort, however, to get to use this service as the minute you exit the station there will be a lot of unofficial taxi drivers storming all over you trying to get you to get into one of their fixed-rate and more expensive cars Even when you approach the Fast Track booth, it is possible that the staff behind the counter may still suggest you to just go for the pre - paid taxis instead You need to spe cifically and firmly request that you really want the metered taxi from the booth, in order for them to proceed to provide you one. If you have difficulty in arranging a plane or railway ticket to your next destination, or you prefer a little more adventure, you can go by bus There are both government and private buses that run services to major cities like Mumbai, Goa Chennai Mangalore Coimbatore Madurai Tirupati Hyderabad etc Buses can be a normal luxury bus, a Volvo A C bus or a sleeper bus for night travel. All intercity buses arrive and depart from Bangalore bus stand, which is located opposite the Bangalore city railway station The bus station is named after the founder of Bangalore - Kempe Gowda. Kempegowda Bus Station is more commonly known as the Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation KSRTC bus stand or the Majestic Bus Station It handles buses that connect Bangalore to all major cities and states in south India. Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation BMTC maintains bus services within Bangalore The main bus stand is located opposite to the Kempegowda Bus Station. Unlike other metros, the display boards in the bus show the destination in the local language Kannada But the bus numbers are mostly in English If you don t speak Kannada, you will likely need to get some help to get on the right bus However, the newer Volvo buses are all equipped with electronic displays that display the destination and route numbers in both Kannada and English Non-Volvo buses are being gradually retrofitted with these electronic displays this should make bus travel much simpler if you are unfamiliar with the local language. Driving in India can be very stressful Lane discipline is practically nonexistent, excessive honking, high vehicle density, lack of regard for traffic law, combined with razor thin passing margins are common One ride in a taxi will most likely convince you that driving yourself is not worth the risk, so if you do want to arrive by car, you will probably w ant to hire both a car and a driver Cost varies, but most car driver combinations cost Rs 1,400-1,700 day The fares for hired private taxis are usually in the multiples of 4 hr 40 km, fares for which start at around Rs 450 for a non-air conditioned small car Depending on where you are coming from, you may be able to negotiate a lower fare if the trip isn t far, and it may be a higher fare if you are traveling far and your driver has to travel back on his own time Having an approximate idea of the fare or distance beforehand and persistent bargaining skills can lead to significant savings Although it costs more, consider requesting an air conditioned car if you aren t used to the heat, especially in summer An air conditioned car will also help filter out the air pollution, which is considerable, especially on congested roadways If you want something even more special, such as a fancy car or SUV, be prepared to pay extra However, there will be a few operators who charge reasonably with n ew conditioned cars with disciplined drivers You can also consider budget car rental service on sharing basis if you want to get in Bangalore from nearby cities like Mysore, Mumbai and Pune Cabs4Share is the new service which has introduced an idea of long distance cab sharing in which you share travel to same destination with other travelers. If you are driving to Bangalore in a car which is registered in another Indian State be wary of RTO checks Bangalore RTO officers are known to harass visitors and falsely ask them to pay road tax for their vehicles Keep toll slips, service records and pollution certificates from your home state to prove that you are only visiting Bangalore for less than 30 days. Get around Edit. By metro The Bangalore Metro also known as Namma Metro our metro is a new rapid transit rail service that will cut down the time taken to get from one area of the city to the other As of Feb 2014, only 2 stages are open for service MG Road to Baiyappanahalli, convenient for MG Road to Indiranagar trips Another from Sampige Road Mantri Mall near Sheshadripuram to Peenya Industrial Estate Via Yeshwanthpur opened in mid rest of the network is still on construction and the entire first phase of the Metro comprising of 42 3km is scheduled to be opened to the public by the end of 2015.A BMTC Volvo bus. Inside a BMTC bus. Buses in Bangalore are cheap and usually frequent, though compared to other states the fares are highest here but traveling on them can be very difficult if you don t know the system well Ordinary city buses display only the route number in English, with the destination and route information written in Kannada This means you will have to know what route number you need before you get on, which you can find from the BMTC website 44 website 45 Desiroutes 46 bus routes, List of Metropolitan bus routes in Bangalore 47 or by asking locals Unlike many Western countries, posted route maps of the bus system are rare, although maps are sold at the main bus terminals Kempegowda Bus Stand and Shivajinagar BMTC toll free 1800 425 1663 Bangalore Bus Route Search 48 also has a webpage with a route number search function. Buses with black display boards run within the city Red board buses covers long distance and go to adjoining suburbs The ordinary city buses are white and blue in color The newer city buses tend to be blue in color Purchased under the JNNURM fund provided by Central govt and have LED display boards There is a bus service called Pushpak with better seating these buses are tan rather than the usual blue and are slightly more expensive There are red Volvo buses, called Vajra that operate on certain routes within the city They offer a comfortable air-conditioned ride at slightly higher prices than the regular buses which are not air-conditioned These are a great way to get around the city Unlike most other buses, the Vajras have illuminated LED display boards on the front and sides which display the destination and route informat ion in English as well as Kannada. New bus services are introduced from time to time by the BMTC The latest service introduced in early 2009 known as Big 10 49 consists of ten routes along major roads into the city, bringing passengers from the outer suburbs to central Bangalore These buses are green in color, have LCD destination boards, and prominently feature the Big 10 logo on the sides More information about these buses, including stops and route maps BIG 10 service starts at Brigade road junction There are also couple of buses which do a circular route around the Central Business District. City buses are crowded during rush hours but one can travel with little difficulty during the daytime Many have seats reserved for women in the service starts around 5 00 AM and ends at around midnight Bus service is less frequent after 9 30-10 AM and becomes very rare after 1 00 PM and again bus frequency improves after 4 00 PM and continues till midnight. It is always better to buy a daily pass if you plan to travel the whole day on the bus The daily pass costs Rs Rs 40 as of March 10th, 2011 and it comes handy if you need to travel on several buses in a single day Daily passes are issued by the on-duty bus conductor or at the bus stand Using this pass you can travel in any bus other than the Vajra for the entire day, any number of times It is a very economical option for travel in Bangalore Senior citizens are given 25 concession in all buses on production of valid ID card Voter ID, PAN, Passport etc children between age of 4-12 are given 50 concession No charge for children up to 4 years of more information on BMTC you can visit Wikipedia 50.There are three major bus stands. Kempegowda bus stand also known as the Majestic Bus Stand near Gandhi Nagar is directly opposite the Bangalore City railway station It is quite neatly organized and is easily navigable There is an inquiry office near platform number 1 on Majestic where you can ask the bus number and platform for your desir ed destination You can find a large map on display, which you can use to find the bus number you need to take if you know the area you are going to You can of course always ask the conductor or other passengers Route maps are also sold on the platforms. City Market or K R Market is around 2 km 1 2 mi to 3 km 1 8 mi away from Majestic and could daunt newcomers, since it is very disorganized It is a large dirt parking lot under an overhead highway, and there isn t much order to where buses park. Shivajinagar is in the north This is also neatly organized and there is an inquiry window to find about buses You can find a large map on display here too, which you can use to find the bus number you need to take if you know the area you are going to Route maps are also sold on the platforms. Buses are available to all major localities of the city from these three bus stands There have been lot of developments due to the ongoing metro project as well as efforts to decongest the city BMTC is adding more bus stations all the time Better to check on their website for latest situation. Other important bus stands are. Chandra Layout West. Shantinagar Central. Jayanagar South. Banashankari South. J P Nagar South. BTM Layout South East. Vijaynagar West. Malleswaram North West. Yeshwantpur North West. Domlur East. Kadugodi East. Hebbal North. Vidyaranyapura North. Srinagara South West. Rajarajeshwari Nagar South West. Basaveshwara Nagar West. Yelahanka North. NOTE Autorickshaws and taxis in Bangalore have a metered fare system Tipping is neither expected nor required when you avail of autorickshaw or taxi services Just pay the meter fare Refrain from tipping and ruining things for the residents who will then be at the receiving end of unwarranted demands for tips. By Taxi Edit. There are three types of taxi services operational in Bangalore. Airport City Taxis These are air conditioned sedans which are licenced by the Airport to primarily provide connectivity between the International Airport to the city Alt hough you can board these at the taxi queue at the airport, or occasionally hail them from the street, the most common way to use such a taxi is to make an advance booking This is accomplished either by contacting the call centre of the airport taxi company, or by making an online booking The Taxis are usually Renault Logans or Toyota Etios models and sport a Taxi top-sign for easy identification Fitted with speed governors and GPS tracked, these are by far the safest and best way to get around the city The three companies which run these taxis are. MegaCabs Telephone 91-80-47474747 Website. Meru Cabs Telephone 91-80-4422 4422 Website. KSTDC Telephone 91-80-4466 4466 Website. Do note that these fleets are not particularly large, and while you can easily book a taxi to get to the airport, trips that do not involve the airport run and which are for short distances may get cancelled during peak hours Taxis charge according to a standard digital meter at INR 80 for the first 4 kilometres, foll owed by INR19 50 per kilometre after that A 10 surcharge is applicable between midnight to 6AM A trip from the airport to CBD will cost around INR800-INR900.Taxi Aggregators The most common taxi service in Bangalore is Uber along with a similar local service called Ola Both can be operated by using a smartphone app that uses the phone GPS to locate your position and direct the nearest taxi to you Both aggregators operate substantially large fleets, so a taxi can usually be hailed from anywhere within the city within 10-15 minutes at the maximum While Uber in Bangalore can be operated through its international app, Ola also allows taxis to be booked through a call centre in addition to its app Visit and. Private Taxis Travel agents and hotels can arrange private chauffeur driven cars to provide services Expensive by comparison with Uber or Ola cabs, they are a most trusted, secure, and comfortable way to travel around the city These can be arranged by travel companies or online from the countries of origin. Quick Cabs Bangalore Cabs in Bangalore, City Taxi Bangalore, Airport Taxi in Bangalore, Car rentals in Bangalore , 080-4160 0000 080-4170 0000 51 24 7 City Taxi services in Bangalore Cab services in Bangalore Taxi services in Bangalore Cab rentals in Bangalore at edit. Classic Cabs India Private Limited , Mekhri Circle - 2 km from Vidhana Soudha centre of the city 91 94480 43058 080 2343 8821 52 24 7 Car rental Cab hire Cab rental Bangalore on Fare starting from 600 Rs - and 8 5 Rs - per KM for inter-city edit. Madurai Car Rental , 91 995 28 38 78 6 , 53 Inquiry 9am to 7pm Bangalore Car Rental services on Fares start from Rs 1000 for within city Rs 8 km for outside city edit. Bangalore Car Rental , 91 888 023 4455 , 54 Inquiry 7am to 11pm Bangalore Car Rental services on - a Online Chauffeur Driven Car Rental Portal in 75 Cities in India Fares start from Rs 450 for within city Rs 7 5 km for outside city edit. Bangalore Cabs , 080 3000 3000 , 55 Inquiry 8am to 8pm edit. By auto-rickshaw Edit. As compared to Uber and Ola cabs, three wheeled autorickshaws similar to tuk-tuks in other countries are cheaper for very short distances, and can be convenient when cabs are not available. Auto-rickshaws are everywhere at most hours They are green-and-yellow, or black-and-yellow three-wheeled contraptions They are a fast way to get around the city. Auto-rickshaws are supposed to charge fares as per the meter reading, which most often equals to Rs 15 x distance in kilometres Minimum charge of Rs 25 for the first 1 8 km or less, with a 1 5x surge between 9PM and 6AM , they generally tend to charge on an ad-hoc basis depending on the distance of the destination, the chances of getting another customer from the mentioned locality, and their mood. Usually, when hailed from the street, chances are that you can often come across an honest driver who agrees to use a meter without fuss In the case where the meter is faulty or the driver refuses to use it, you should simply refuse to board Saying meter please will usually do the trick It gets more tricky when you are in front a big tourist attraction or transportation hub, as there will be hordes of auto-rickshaws waiting around who will try all they can to force you to use their service Most of these drivers will refuse to use meter and ask for an exorbitantly overpriced rate You should simply and firmly refuse them and walk away until you find an auto who agrees to use a meter If this is not practical or you are simply too tired to deal with it or are in a hurry, counter-propose them an appropriate amount based on the distance of your destination The driver will be likely to insist on his own price Just walk away and chances are that he will give up and agree on your price faster than you thought. Tourists should be cautious when approaching an auto-rickshaw during night, or during heavy rains Chances are they will charge exorbitant rates Help co uld be taken from the local traffic police to avail auto-rickshaws during such circumstances If you are a visitor and do not know the route to the destination it is a good idea to bargain and fix the fare before boarding to avoid long, convoluted routes being used by the driver. Another thing to keep in mind is to be firm but not loud in an argument while travelling in the auto Some of the less reputable drivers may team up with their friends midway to cause problems Remember that although Bangaloreans are known for their polite and mild mannered behavior, auto drivers are normally an exception Some will think nothing of trying to rip you off If in doubt, consult a local or your hotel travel desk. If a rickshaw driver offers to show drive you to some great places to shop, firmly refuse A common tactic is to drive you to local shops where you will be pressured to buy Indian crafts that you probably don t want Know your destination and insist upon it Be firm. Autos add a 50 surcharge after 10 PM called one and a half and is the legal charge Some drivers may demand 100 surcharge after 10 PM or 11 PM but you must refuse to board in such a case Heavy luggage costs an additional fee of around Rs 10-20.Rickshaw drivers are required by law to display their identification on the dashboard or the back of their seats Refuse to get into a rickshaw that does not display one. If an auto driver is problematic, note their identification number and report to the BBMP Greater Bangalore Municipal Corporation Control room which is empowered to withdraw their auto license This is a very effective technique to deal with them The BBMP control room number as of December 2009 is 91 80 22975803.The minimum charge as of October 2015, is Rs 25 for the first 1 8 km and Rs 12 for every additional kilometer. There is a new call an auto service started in Bangalore called Autowale, the number for that is 080-50661111.If you arrive in Bangalore via train, at the main train station there is an office nea r the taxis auto-rickshaws which will print-out a pre-paid receipt for your ride The service costs 1 Rs, but will save you a potentially large amount of money by giving you an accurate value for your ride This also allows you to avoid haggling with the driver and acts as an official price agreement in the event that the driver wants to dispute the price of the ride. By private car Edit. Most taxi and auto-rickshaw drivers will be more than happy to offer you either a daily rate or an hourly rate, and take you around wherever you need to go Alternately, your hotel or a travel company can arrange a private car. If you find a good taxi or auto driver, this can be a great way to go for a foreigner You ll certainly pay a lot more than if you bought individual rides, but you ll always have a driver waiting for you, and he can help with recommending local tourist sites, finding a good restaurant to eat at, and otherwise coping with day-to-day life This can take a lot of the stress out of traveli ng. Rates are generally something like Rs 50 to 100 per hour for an auto-rickshaw, and Rs 150 to 250 per hour for a taxi Rates for a private car booked via the hotel will probably be more Like everything else in India, rates are very fluid. By bicycle Edit. The weather in Bangalore is very pleasant, but the traffic is not So if your plan is not to go towards crowded city, you can go around in a bicycle. Velo in village A1, Owners Court, Kaswanahalli Main Road off Sarjapura Road , , 56 Bicycle hire with a good range of rental bikes including BTwin, RockRider, Merida, Giant and Orbea models edit. By Motorcycle Edit. In Bangalore you can rent motorcycles and scooters You will find a lot of places where you can rent motorcycles and scooter. Dryve You can rent motorcycles and scooters from Dryve with hourly, daily, weekly and monthly rental packages. roadpanda You can rent two wheelers motorcycles and scooters on hourly, daily, weekly and monthly basis. ZipHop 57 You can rent motorcycles scooters an d cars from here They have a number of options. Although Bangalore is not known as a tourist city, there is still a lot to see If you only have a limited amount of time in the city, you should consider taking a tour. Typically, the city tours do NOT include entry fees into the attractions Bangalore, as with the rest of India, has a habit of charging foreigners a lot more than locals For example, Tipu Sultan s Palace, which is on the half-day tour, charges Rs 10 for Indians and Rs 100 or US 2 to non-Indians. I Cycle 660 4, 5th Main Road, Vyalikaval, Bangalore - 560 003 918861102597 58 10AM - 6PM The outskirts of Bangalore city is a cyclists delight You can either rent-a-cycle and ride on your own or even ride with the ICYCLE team on a weekend edit. Landmarks Edit. Vidhana Soudha - The legislative House of the State of Karnataka, this granite building was built by Sri K Hanumanthaiya, Chief Minister of the then Mysore state 1951 to 1956 The then Prime Minister Sri Pandit Jawaharalal Nehru lai d the foundation on 13 July 1951 It was built at an expenditure of Rs 18 4 million Marvel of neo-Dravidian architecture and one of the most imposing building not only in Bangalore but in India One of the interesting feature of this building in grand stairs in its front The grand stairs has a flight of forty-five steps 62 m 204 ft wide 21 m 70 ft deep giving a direct access to the foyer of first floor leading to an Assembly Chamber The architecture of the building is based on Dravidian style, comprising richly carved bases and capitals for pillars, deep friezes, kapotha cornices, chaithya arches, heavy pediments domical finials, etc At the same time, the construction has been on modern designs, making use of the present-day materials like steel, reinforced cement concrete glass, plastic, etc. Vikasa Soudha - Is it possible to gild a lily Well you judge for yourself This ultra modern construction, adjacent to majestic Vidhana Soudha built in the same classic style, is supposed to come fit ted with the latest gizmos to help govern the state It was inaugurated sometime in February 2005.Seshadari Iyer Memorial is a distinctive building constructed of red sand stone in Cubbon Park It houses a public library and the Bangalore High Court, while the grounds include a children s recreation area with a toy train, fairground and theater. Bangalore Palace was constructed by the Maharajahs of Mysore For many years the building was neglected as a tourist attraction, but is now open to the public After much renovation, it is a fine structure to visit, if overpriced The fee is Rs 225 450 Indian Foreigner and Rs 625 to take photos even of the exterior This includes an excellent audio guide which describes most architecture and artifacts in detail, though no mention is made of the numerous nude paintings. Tipu Sultan s Palace which dates from about 1790, is the summer retreat for Tipu sultan The two story structure is made mostly out of wood with finely embellished balconies, pillars and arches Timings From 9 30am to 5 30pm, All days of the week Tickets are Rs 10 for Indians and Rs 100 for foreigners. Temples Edit. The Bull Temple located in Basavanagudi, is a typical Dravidian style temple, and is famous for its mammoth bull statue that was carved from a single boulder Legend has it that the temple was built to appease a marauding bull that stole local crops, and that the offering was effective with the bull subsequently leaving the area Since then, local farmers have held an annual festival to express their gratitude. The Maha Bodhi Society Temple see Learn section is a relatively new structure, with the main shrine built as a replica of the historic stupa at Bodh Gaya The temple grounds are very peaceful, and visitors are welcome to stroll around In addition, the temple houses an excellent library of books on Buddhism, many of which are in English. ISKCON Hare Krishna Temple Hare Krishna Hill, Chord Rd 91 80 2347 1956, 90 80 2357 8346 fax 91 80 2357 8625 , 59 3 45AM-8PM Temple built on a hillock in Rajajinagar atop scenic surroundings, is a perfect blend of modern technology and spiritual harmony The huge cultural complex was built to promote vedic culture and spiritual learning, and abounds with shops selling devotional items and souvenirs The annual Krishna and Balarama Rath Yatra is attended by thousands edit. Maruthi Mandir a Hanuman Temple is located just opposite - 5 min drive from ISKCON temple, in the gate of Mahalakshmi Layout This is a rock hill with huge idols of Hanuman and Mahalakshmi temples The annual festival of Hanumad Jayanthi during December is very attractive. Gavi Gangadeshwara Cave Temple located in Gavipuram, adjacent to Basavanagudi, was built by Kempe Gowda This temple with four remarkable monolithic pillars is dedicated to Lord Shiva The temple also has a rare idol of Agni god of fire The annual festival is on Makara Shankranti and thousands of devotees flock to see the suns rays fall on the Shivlinga The temple timings are 7A M-12 30PM and 5PM-8 30.VenkataramanaSwamy Temple is a fine example of Dravidian architecture This ancient temple was built by Maharaja Chikka Devaraya Wodeyar and is situated next to the summer palace of Tipu Sultan. Lord Shiva Temple behind Kemp Fort, Airport Road. Dodda Ganapathi - one of the oldest temples in Bengaluru, is situated adjacent to the Bull Temple. Vasanthapura, in South Bangalore, is a small hillock with an ancient temple dedicated to Sri Vasantha Vallabharaya Swamy. Shiva Temple Shiv Mandir , Old Airport Road This temple has a massive monolith of Lord Shiva, located in the middle of an artificial pool There is a cave-like walk through behind the statue It is extremely crowded on the festival of Maha Shivaratri One can t see or feel any kind of Bhakti in this temple, because at each move inside the temple there will be a person located for collection of money which creates such a disturbance for the concentration on Bhakti On each step the devotees will be concentrating on the money boxes Hundi in Kannada people standing to ask money as offerings After coming out, one feels as if one has come out of a commercial Shiva temple So sad to say this Entrance - Rs 150, camera fee Rs 25, slipper stand fee - Rs 5 latitude longitude edit. Banaswadi Hanuman Temple constructed in the Dravidian style, attracts a large number of devotees especially on week-ends It has smaller temples dedicated to Lord Rama, Shiva and Ganapathi within the walled compound. Babusapalya Dodda Ganesha Temple, located on the outer ring road at Babusapalya, Kalyan Nagar near by Banaswadi has a Beautiful 60 feet tall Ganesha statue The temple is dedicated mainly to Lord Ganesha, though it also includes temples of Lord Shiva, Annapoorneshwari and Subramanya annual celebrations during Ganesha chaturthi attracts large crowds to the temple. Ragi Gudda is a famous Hanuman temple abode in the Jayanagar 9th block, South of Bangalore The temple is situated on a mammoth rocky hill, and has very attractive chain of temples like Spathika Shiva, Ganesha and scenery within the premises This is a very crowd attracting place during the period of Hanumad Jayanthi in December You get mahaprasadam meals on Saturday between 12 noon to 1 pm. Sri Raja Rajeshwari Temple located in RajaRajeshwari Nagar, just before Kengeri on Mysore Road is a famous temple dedicated to Godess Parvathi RajaRajeshwari It was built by a reknowned spiritual guru, Sri Sri Sri Tiruchi Mahaswaigal Built in the ancient style with stones, the temple is very spacious One can feel the peace and satisfaction when visited Week ends are very crowded. DakshinaMukhy Nandeeshwara Temple located in the heart of Bangalore is very ancient temple This is on Sampige Road in the Malleshwaram area The speciality of the temple is that, the natural mineral water flows from the mouth of Nandi naturally which is above a ShivaLingam, and pours all over the year as Abhishekam by nature itself This water, after Abhishekam is taken by devotees as me dicinal water, believed to cure many diseases People from all over the world take this water in small containers with a lot of trust and devotion. Mukti Naga temple 60 in Bangalore is world s largest monolithic statue of Lord Naaga, about 16 feet tall and 36 tons of weight The Mukti Naga temple which is run by Shri Subrahmanya Seva Trust, is situated in a serene ambience of Ramohalli, a village on the outskirts of Bangalore city. Meenakshi Sundaram Temple Bannerghatta Road, after Indian Institute of Management , South of Bangalore Beautiful, spacious temple devoted to Sri Meenakshi Amma Built in ancient style with stone structures, this place is very cool and mind refreshing place to see You will feel that you are in a temple at Tamilnadu, when in this temple. Timings Monday thruough Saturday 6 30AM to 12 30PM 4 00PM to 8 30PM Friday 6 30AM to 1 00PM 4 00PM to 8 30PM Sunday 6 30AM to 1 00PM 3 00PM to 8 30PM. Sri Ramakrishna Ashram There are many Ramakrishna Ashrams in Bangalore, but the sp ecial and central one is in Gandhi Bazaar - the place of temples in Bangalore This mutt contains a vast meditating hall, a beautiful park, a vedic school and many more facilities Sri Sharada Devi had meditated on a location in the park in this boundary This location is preserved as a monument A stone on which Swami Vivekananda had sat when he visited Bangalore is also kept as a monument This is a calm and peaceful place for the people who enjoy the meditation. Churches Edit. Holy Trinity Church located at Trinity circle at the east end of the MG Rd, is a major landmark in Bangalore It was built in 1851, for the British Regiment stationed in Bangalore Built in the English Renaissance style, the church can accommodate 700 people and is regarded as the largest military church in southern India It has a congregation of over 450 families. St Mary s Basilica St Mary s Basilica is a basilica located in the Archdiocese of Bangalore in the Indian state of Karnataka It is the oldest church in Banga lore and is the only church in the state that has been elevated to the status of a minor basilica It is famous for the festivities held during the St Mary s Feast in the month of September each year, an event that attracts a number of devotees from in and around basilica has been built in Gothic-style with arches, ornamental motifs and stained glass columns and tall spires of the basilica can be seen from quite a distance The stained glass windows were removed during World War II and were subsequently restored in 1947.Shelter House Church Bannerghatta Road, Arekere The service is conducted in English and starts from 9 30AM in the morning. St Francis Xavier s Cathedral St Francis Xavier s Cathedral is located in the Archdiocese of Bangalore in the Indian state of Karnataka It is the head church in Archdiocese Bangalore It is the most decorated church in the city and boasts of very historic artifact It also is the biggest of churches in the city It is located in the central part and in th e heart of city Promenade road, near Coles park It also has a huge premises within which there are 3 schools inside it, St Anthony s boys school, St Aloysius boys school and St Rock s girls school The whole locality is surrounded by a more schools like St Francis Xavier s girls school, St German s boys school, Goodwil girls school, Nehru school, RTC school. Infant Jesus Shrine The Infant Jesus shrine is located in Viveknagar, Bangalore It is now known as a place of pilgrimage Thousand of devotees from all faiths throng the shrine on Thursday The podium is raised above road level with steps and ramp on either side The interior of the church is so designed that wherever people are seated they will feel that the altar is facing them The main mural which is 6x9 meters replicates the nativity scene in the nativity church of Jerusalem. Outdoor activities and sports Edit. Cycling Art of Bicycle Trips 61 and ICycle 62 organizes bicycle tours in and around Bangalore The tours combine cycling with Indian art, culture and heritage You could also check out the Bangalore Bicycling Club on Facebook or Google groups or for weekend plans Cycles could also be rented at Decathlon, off Sarjapur Road. Trekking Camping Bangalore is blessed with breathtaking natural beauty and the right temperature for trekking camping Some top trekking camping destinations include kumara parvatha, todiandamol coorg , madikeri coorg , mullayangiri, kodechadiri, Skandagiri, Kudremukh You can go on trekking trips with Bangalore Trekking Club 63 or Shady Tents Trekking Community 64 with the latter you can get camping equipment on rent. Rock Climbing Bangalore has plenty of boulder gardens and granite hills in the vicinity There are multiple bouldering, multi-pitch and single pitch sport, and some trad climbing possibilities within a day trip schedule is a popular online hangout for climbers in Bangalore. Kayaking Bangalore has a small but active community of white water kayakers Trips are usually during the monso on time, and non-monsoon time activities involve flat water paddling Since this is a non-commercial group, best to check on availability of spare gear, or to bring your own kayak and gear They can be contacted via 65.Ultimate Frisbee 66 Although in a nascent stage, Ultimate Frisbee games are held on Tue Thu Sat mornings starting 6 30AM The teams comprise of players of all skill levels. Watch a cricket match M Chinnaswamy Stadium near Cubbon Park Chinnaswamy stadium is the home ground of the Indian Premier League IPL team Royal Challengers Bangalore which is reputed for having a large, loyal, and loud fan following IPL season typically is between March and May every year, matches are played in the evenings and last around 3 hours Scour the daily newspapers for ticket information - note that tickets typically get sold out a week before edit. Hiking Nandi hills Rangaswamy betta, Bhimeshwari - Muttati. Hill Climbing Savandurga, Makalidurga, Kavaledurga Skandagiri , Kabalidurga, Siddarabetta, Nijakal betta. Camping Fever Pitch basecamp is one spot destination for camping, adventure, watersports, paintball Basecamp is located 30 km from Bangalore One of the best places to see near Bangalore For more details visit Fever Pitch basecamp is a famous jungle resort for corporate team outings in Bangalore. Cave exploration Savandurga, Anthargange, Siddarabetta. Adventure Clubs Bangalore is called the Seattle of India for reason that it has a very active outdoors scene Hiking, rock climbing, white water kayaking, paragliding and mountain biking are very popular Some of the resources to look up other weekend adventurers are through the following online forums or offline clubs including Spark, KMA, Whitefield Riders, Southern River Runners, Bangalore Bicycling Group, etc. Choe Khor Sum Ling Tibetan Buddhist Center Ashwini, No 24, 1st floor, 3rd Main Street, Domlur Layout 1st stage, Bangalore-71 080 41486497 Choe Khor Sum Ling CKSL is a center for the study and practice of Buddhist meditat ion and philosophy as preserved in the Tibetan tradition This Buddhist center is affiliated to FPMT Foundation and Preservation of Mahayana Tradition , which is the parent Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama requested Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche to start a Buddhist center in Bangalore Since then, CKSL has been fostering an environment that helps people develop their fullest potential for infinite happiness, wisdom and compassion, inspired by an attitude of universal are no fees for visiting the center, participating in it s various activities or even attending any of the courses Situated in the heart of Bangalore city, CKSL is free for spiritual seekers and everyone one is welcome edit. Nature parks Edit. Visit the beautiful lakes in Bangalore. Ulsoor Lake and Sankey Tank offer an enriching, pleasant experience. Bannerghatta National Park for the safari try to get a seat in the front of the bus just next to the driver. Lalbagh botanical Garden and lake inside-the park offers a pleasant view and is ho me to some water birds. Cubbon Park in the city of Bengaluru have nicknamed the city itself as Garden and exotic botanical species found in the park are about 68 genera and 96 species with a total of around 6000 plants trees. History Edit. Libraries Edit. Fairs exhibitions Edit. Kadlekai Parishe Peanut fair Every year, sometime during the months of Nov-Dec, the area around Bull Temple Road in South Bangalore hosts a peanut fair Centuries ago, the villages in and around this area used to cultivate peanuts and the custom was to dedicate the first crop to Nandi the Bull at the temple Although the villages of yore are today residential areas, the tradition continues as peanut farmers congregate to sell their crop The 2 day traditional fair has many stalls that sell peanuts, trinkets, bangles, pottery, dolls etc There are also a number of food stalls. Chitra Santhe Paintings market An annual exhibition, held on the last Sunday of every January, the Chitra Santhe on Kumara Krupa Road near Golf Cou rse brings together artists from all across Karnataka Paintings, pottery, and sculpture are all on an exhibition-cum-sale The road is closed to traffic on that day, making it possible to have a leisurely stroll, admiring and buying the items It is proposed that from 2012, the venue would be shifted to Freedom Park Prices range from Rs 100 - 20,000 Bargaining is recommended, but not too hard Pay a fair price Credit cards and foreign currency are rarely accepted, so carry sufficient cash in Indian currency. Aero India Held in the second week of February every alternate year the next one is in 2017 , this is Asia s premier air show Spanning 5 days W-Su , the show at Yelahanka Air Force Base in the northern part of Bangalore comprises a defence exhibition and air show Fighter jets from around the world are on both flying and static display Normally, there are two air shows every day - one in the morning and the other in the afternoon Tickets can be purchased online or at select outlets - sc an the newspapers for more information Purchasing a ticket at outlets requires you to show a photo identification and tickets are non-transferable. Arts theatre Edit. Concerts at Bangalore Palace Grounds Check the local listings to see if any concerts are happening Most international acts happen at Bangalore Palace Grounds and the venue has hosted Metallica, Rolling Stones, Bryan Adams, Iron Maiden, Deep Purple, Joe Satriani, Mark Knopfler, Aerosmith, Sting, Uriah Heep, Lamb of God, Megadeth, Machinehead, Scorpions among others. Rangashankara 36 2, 8th Cross, J P Nagar, 2nd Phase 98 80 26592777, 98 80 26494656 67 Evening shows start at 7 30PM Many local groups perform here, although more often shows are presented by traveling groups touring India Quality of the performances varies, but most plays are worth seeing, especially the ones by Indian playwrights and or directors, as they can show you an Indian or let s say non-western perspective Shows are in various languages, so it is a good id ea to double-check whether the play is in English before buying reserving blocking tickets Tickets cost between Rs 45 100.Jagriti Theater Varthur Rd, Whitefield 91 80 4124 2879 68 Jagriti is a hub for the performance and visual arts in Whitefield, Bangalore It consistently features renowned national and international theater groups Almost all performances are in English Tickets usually cost Rs 300.Chowdiah Memorial Hall Malleswaram 91 80 2344 5810 Chowdiah Memorial Hall is a cultural center in Bangalore which provides a home for musical and theatrical performances as well as competitions. Movies Edit. In Bangalore English, Kannada, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam films are screened in the Oriya and Bengali films are shown All language movies especially English, Hindi, Kannada, Tamil and Telugu movies run in packed houses Take in a movie at one of the innumerable theaters around the city. Gandhi Nagara Central place in Bangalore next to Majestic Bus Stand which is like the head quarters for all the movies This area has 15 movie theaters Snathosh, Narthaki, Kapali, Abhinay etc. PVR Cinemas 69.Fun Cinemas 70.Gopalan Cinemas 71.Fame Cinemas. Inox Movies 73.Urvashi Theater. Nani Cinematheque 74 has film series almost every weekend programmed by local film clubs. Collective Chaos 75.Bangalore Film Society 76 A club membership around Rs 500 year is typically required for entrance. Foreign film series and cultural events. Spa massage Edit. Massage or Prostitution Beware that many of the Massage classifieds in local newspapers may be fronts for prostitution Prostitution is illegal and if caught in a raid, you may end up spending a night in the cooler before being eligible for bail Most legitimate spas and massage parlors have detailed websites and are run professionally. Massages Spas are very much a part of Bangalore s east-meets-west culture new ones spring up across the city all the time. The 5th Element 79 Spa near Dell office on Inner Ring Rd All practitioners are from Thailand and o ffer authentic Thai massage, scrubs, and wraps. Aroma Home Spa Brookefields, ITPL Main Rd, Near Whitefield, 80 Natural eco-friendly products in use Hydro therapy massage in addition to therapies suited to individual needs. Aayu Siddhi 81 Traditional Indian Ayurvedic massage. Kenko Reflexology Spa 82 offers a variety of massages and a fish spa. Cunningham Rd, 83 Run by an expat Brit offers a variety of massages, scrubs, and facials. Sundaythespa Koramangala 4th block, 84 spa in Bangalore incorporating the ancient Ayurvedic, Indian and East Asian practices offering professional services by well trained staff. Akaasa 85 High-end boutique spa. Ayur Sukha Malleswaram, 86 Very nice, clean and professional spa in a nice neighborhood 1 hr basic Ayurvedic treatment massage and steam is about Rs 1,000.Buddhism Edit. Choe Khor Sum Ling Ashwini, No 24, 1st Floor, Domlur Layout 91 80 41486497 , 87 This Tibetan Buddhist meditation and study centre is in Domlur Layout near Shanti Sagar Restaurant on Airport Road CKSL is a center for the study and practice of Mahayana Buddhism following the lineage and example of Lord Buddha The Centre, whose name means The Three Turnings of the Wheel of Dharma was founded in 2003 by Lama Zopa Rinpoche under the guidance of HH the XIVth Dalai Lama The Centre offers courses in various Buddhist meditation techniq ues and teachings on different aspects of Buddhism Teachings are offered free to the public and are conducted in English or in Tibetan with translation in English In addition to regular teachings, every few weeks the Centre invites senior Lamas to give talks on important aspects of the Buddhist path Such talks are also accompanied by instructions and initiations by the Lama into different meditation practices edit. Thubten Lekshey Ling Dharma Subhashita , 91 98 80296930 , 88 Nyingma Tibetan Buddhist meditation centre founded by the late His Holiness Pema Norbu Penor Rinpoche The centre is located close to MG Road on Ulsoor road, just on the side of Manipal Centre The centre conducts meditation classes, spiritual discourses and advanced study programs Weekend teachings in meditation and philosophy are offered by lamas from Namdroling Monastery, Bylakupee edit. Maha Bodhi Society 14 Kalidasa Road, Gandhinagar 91 80 2250684 , 89 This temple has a very active schedule There are teachings on the Dharma in English on the first two and last Sundays of every month from 9 30-11 30AM, while on the 3rd Sunday there is a meditation retreat Anyone is welcome to attend The temple also has a good library and a beautiful garden - a great place to retreat from the hustle and bustle of the metropolis outside edit. Indians Edit. The best way to find employment in Bangalore is through job fairs, job portals, applying directly to companies of interest, and through headhunters. Non-Indians Edit. Non-Indian Citizen Employment Regulation Indian regulations may require that any foreign national who is employed in India earn at least US 25,000 year This is exempted for a Ethnic chefs, b Language teachers other than English language teachers translators and c Staff working for Embassy High Commissions Check your compensation offer so that you meet this requirement and are eligible for an employment visa Some foreign nationals are employed at salaries less than this, though, typically in the NGO sec tor. With a little hard work and persistence finding a job is quite possible in Bangalore Most of the available positions are in the IT field but not necessarily IT based Several expats do marketing, quality assurance, accent training and translation among other things All jobs in India require an employment visa which must be obtained abroad and sponsored by the hiring company in India In general, the salary for expats is very high compared to the local Indian wage The best resource for jobs is through the expat community Ask around but a good place to meet expats is the Sunday brunches at the 5 Star hotels or at the numerous coffee shops in and around the MG Road area. Currency Exchange Edit. You will not find money exchange kiosks counters in all parts of Bangalore because Bangalore is not a primary destination for most tourists, nor is it the entry point for most tourists entering the region However, most banks offer currency exchange in all their branch offices as do some travel agen cies Exchange rates can vary somewhat, so it is advisable to shop around Typically, travel agencies will offer a better exchange rate as compared to the rates offered by banks. Shopping districts Edit. Bangalore provides a wide range of options for shoppers One can buy many things ranging from clothing to electronic goods and vehicles Being an IT city, Bangalore provides all kind of services but one might find things to be costlier. Many visitors come to Bangalore searching only for sandalwood carvings and silk saris and so miss out on the true Bangalore shopping experience Here is a low down on shopping - Bangalore s style. The UB City and Vittal Mallya Road are Page-3 shopping areas You ll find brands like Versace, Louis Vuitton, Kimaya in the UB City Vittal Mallya Road s got shopping places like The Collective which is a shop only for men, too bad Armani, Versace, Boss, you name it they have it There s even Canary Blue and Esprit on the same road. The M G Road Brigade Road area is the mo st popular place for tourists, and these two roads are filled with shops of every kind, whether it be traditional handicrafts or the latest western wear this is especially true for Brigade Road. Bannerghatta Road newly improved You have Grasshopper, a space that exhibits clothing designs from the most experimental designers in India and also showcases other ideas - lighting design, products, theater, music - an open space for expression If that s too boring, you can keep driving and you have a thousand ways that you can take to enjoy the wildlife and the myriad reservoirs strewn across the area - you can still find your very own private haven Enjoy. Wood Street in the heart of the city you have Eternal Expression 90 Bangalore s best Tattoo Studio Monkey Bar 91 among Bangalore s best bars and first gastropub of india Olive Beach 92 the finest Mediterranean dining experience. Brigade Road used to be where British soldiers bought their necessities Today Brigade Road is the center of yuppie B angalore you ll see hordes of college students on the road anytime of day or night Some of the stores on Brigade Road include Planet M a huge music store with everything, Tommy Hilfiger, Louis Philippe, Pepe Jeans, Levis, Lee, San Frisco Jeans, Nike, Titan great Indian made watches just to name a few. There are also many eateries on the road and on the side roads that lead off of Brigade road, so that you can refuel yourself for shopping There are your fast food outlets KFC right at the entrance , Pizza Hut at the other end of the road and many cafes including the Indian Coffee Chain Cafe Coffee Day Also includes a tattoo studiomercial Street a legacy of the British is another shopping mecca that sells international brands similar to Brigade road alongside locally produced items Commercial Street has more of a bazaar feel than Brigade Road In addition, it is famous for its body piercing centers The price of goods here is very competitive and it is a great place to pick a bargain. Shopping malls and markets Edit. Go shopping at one of Bangalore s many malls and traditional markets Malls typically have high er - end stores retailing apparel, footwear, and consumer electronics Many malls also have food courts with international cuisine and movie theaters Finding a parking spot for your car may not be easy though, especially on weekends Some of the more popular malls in Bangalore are. The Forum Koramangala. The Forum value Mall Whitefield. Esteem Mall Hebbal. Garuda Mall Magrath Road. InOrbit Mall Whitefield. Mantri Square Malleshwaram. Phoenix Market City Whitefield Road. UB City Vittal Mallya Road. Lido Mall Ulsoor. Gopalan Innovation Mall Bannerghatta Road. Gopalan Mall Mysore Road. Gopalan Signature Mall Old Madras Road. Gopalan Grand Mall Old Madras Road. Royal Meenakshi Mall Bannerghatta Road. Elements Mall Nagawara Under Construction. Vega City Mall Bannerghatta Road Under Consrtuction. Bangalore Central Residency Road and Jayanagar 9th block. Sigma Mall Cunningham Road. Poorva Mall Old Madras Road. Mega Mall Vyalikaval. Orion Mall Rajajinagar. Esteem Mall Hebbal. Cosmos Mall Brookefield. Soul Space Arena Mahadevpura. Total Mall Sarjapura rd. Little Bees Toy Store Sarjapura rd. And counting Malls in India are a recent phenomenon, the first opened back in 1999 Since then there has been a boom with malls around every corner in large cities now also in smaller cities Bangalore is no exception Here is a list of the major malls in Bangalore. Forum Mall - The Forum on Hosur road is in the upmarket suburb of Koramangla, fast becoming a key shopping hub in Bangalore Bannerghatta Road It is the largest mall in Bangalore covering an area of 650 000 ft 60 000m of retail space Again like other shopping areas, you can find anything at the Forum, high international brands such as Tommy Hilfiger, Swarovski Crystals to traditional Indian Khadi clothing at the Khadder Other brands with outlets include United Colors of Benetton much cheaper here than in the west , Pepe Jeans U K, William Penn, Wrangler Jeans, Weekender and of course Nike The Forum incorporates the clothing from international brands as well as haute couture boutiques including Mustard, Isis, B and the Chai shop For books head straight to Landmark and huge store has everything from books to perfumes and music On the top floor of the mall you will find a PVR multiplex comprising 11 cinemas For eating there is everything, Fast food KFC, McDonald s, Pizza Hut, Subway Cafe Coffee Day and a food court with world cuisines including Chinese, Vietnamese, Mexican and Italian and Indian Not to be missed is the Indian cuisine at Sahib Sindh Sultan and the British style pub, Firangi Pani So that is a forum for all your shopping needs under one roof Its just a must see, especially the outside. Garuda Mall - Located on the corner of McGrath and Commissariat Roads, is the newest and the second largest mall in Bangalore. Bangalore Central - Opened around the same as the Forum, Bangalore Central is more of a large department st ore than a mall with separate retailers. Safina Plaza - The sale capital of Bangalore located on Infantry Road Every week there is sale going on of any type One week it might be home furnishings and the next men s wear Good place to find some bargains Many exhibitions are also held here, although there are retailers Dockers, Lee Jeans, Titan too name a few here too So for quiet shopping come here much less crowded than the other malls Its best to visit during end of season sales Summer, Monsoon or during festivals Ganesha Chaturthi, Diwali, New Year, Christmas. Lifestyle - A two-story store on Victoria Road in the heart of the new mall shopping district with malls like Garuda Mall, Bangalore Central and Globus, all within easy walking distance and was one of the most coveted stores until the malls came along It s an easy place to go shopping when you don t want too many options to confuse you or when you re tired and don t want to visit too many shops - you can get everything under one r oof here Good for clothes, cosmetics, watches, jewelry, shoes etc You also get stylish furniture and other home and living items for a decent price. Mantri Square - It is located in Malleswaram. Sampige Road, Malleswaram - Sampige Road is the heart of Malleswaram and connects Sheshadripuram to Indian Institute Science Sampige Road is around 2 km, has a wide range of shops that sells books, electronic items, silk sarees, handicrafts, cloth materials, Hindu pooja materials, sweets and all the trivial things you can buy on earth Also try Malleswaram 8th cross on Sampige road aptly named Brigade Road of Malleswram for a vibrant shopping experience Sampige Road is also home to best flower market and fruits market in Bangalore If you are tired of going to individual shops you can go for the best departmental stores in Bangalore like Fabmall, Foodworld and Nilgiris. Marathahalli Main Road and Factory Outlets - Located a distance from central Bangalore although not difficult to reach , is Maratha halli a village in a previous life The main road of this suburb is now a haven for factory outlets for all major brands Nike, Adidas, Pepe Jeans, Killer Jeans, Louis Philippe, Levi s, Reebok etc You can expect prices here to be cheaper than in the Malls, at least 20-30 price difference but can be up to 50 cheaper when it comes to some of the major denim brands As if India wasn t cheap enough Although this is the best place to go to for factory outlet shopping, there are smaller factory outlets scattered across the city Also look out for sales held by the major brands to get rid of end of season stock again end of Summer or end of Monsoon , these are usually advertised in newspapers or look for signs posted on major roads. Metro shopping mall near Yeshwanthpur railway station and ISKON temple. Jayanagar Shopping Complex From antique jewelry the famous Bhavani s, the more recent Kushal s, The Gallery , the authentic gold jewelry stores, saree stores Kalamandir, Kalaniketan, Mysore Silk Udy og , sweet meat stores Sri Krishna Sweets, Arya Bhavan , Classic Iyengar bakeries, dress stores Paridhan, Rangoli, Bafna s, Vinayaka Collections , through to fresh vegetables, fruits, meat and butter. Gandhi Bazaar in the heart of Basavangudi One of the oldest shopping areas in Bangalore, Gandhi Bazaar stretches for a short kilometer or so, bordered on both sides by shops selling everything from saris and clothes to plastics and kitchen utensils, fronted by vegetable and fruit stalls Do not forget to visit Vidyarthi Bhavan whenever you come here for this is the best South Indian restaurant in Bangalore selling the most heavenly dosas. Apart from the malls one should not forget to visit Commercial Street and Brigade Road, which are excellent shopping and hanging out places. The traditional markets have mom-and-pop stores that sell everything from fruits, vegetables, groceries to electronics, music, and mobile phones The city s largest vegetable and fruit market is in the heart of the city and is called KR Market or City Market Smaller but more lively traditional markets can be found in residential areas such as Gandhi Bazaar, N R Colony, Banashankari, Malleswaram, Jayanagar, and JP Nagar Shivajinagar For people looking for girls party wear dresses Magic Threads in Richmond town, very close to the popular shopping area of Brigade Road, is a must visit. Jewelry Edit. C Krishniah Chetty Sons Diamond Flagship Store , 2-1 Main Cross Rd next to Safina Plaza , 98 80 4000 1869 93 14,000 sq ft dedicated to the finest gold and diamond jewellery, spread over two floors edit. C Krishniah Chetty Sons-The Heritage Store 35 36 Commercial St 98 80 4000 1869 94 Dedicated to gold and silver edit. Giantti Luxury Ensemble Shop No C9, Level 2, The Leela Palace 91 80 4115 9766, 91 80 4115 9799 Diamond gold jewellery along with silver articles and idols edit. JoyAlukkas Near MG Road Metro Station Platinum, Silver, Gold and Diamond Jewelry edit. Jos Alukkas Dickenson Road Near Commercial Street edit. Kalyan Jewellers Dickenson Road Near Commercial Street edit. Khazana Jewellery Dickenson Road Near Commercial Street edit. Handicraft Edit. Chandi - The Divine Gallery Shop No 12, First Floor, Public Utility Building, MG Road 91 80 4112 3590, 91 80 4112 3610 specialise in Indian divine figures in all mediums Claims to have the biggest collection of Ganeshas in Bangalore High quality and locally priced wares, no pushy salesmen edit. Cauvery Arts Crafts Emporium 45, MG Road 91 80 2558 1118 - 8 30PM A large store, offering a wide selection of some of Karnataka s best hand made products The carvings made of Mysore sandalwood are an especially good buy edit. Central Cottage Industries Emporium CCIE 144, MG Road A government run store promoting traditional Indian hand crafts The CCIE has major outlets in New Delhi Mumbai Kolkata, Bangalore and Chennai edit. Royal Arts Crafts 21, KH Road 91 80 2248 4797 Has a particularly wide selection of silk carpets and paper mache products edit. Karnataka State Handicrafts Development Corporation 45, KSHDC Complex, MG Road Specialise in Karnataka handicrafts edit. Kala Madhyam Store 2nd floor, Flat No 2, Benson Town 77 8, Nandidurg Rd Benson Cross Rd corner , , 95 Folk and tribal art paintings, handicrafts from across India, clothing for women Specialises in wall murals of folk and tribal art as well as terra cotta edit. Miras Carpet Industries No 7, Ground Floor, Suryodai Complex, Old Airport Rd, Kodihalli, Opp Hotel Leela Palace , 91 80 4157 1894, 91 80 2521 0786 , 96 9 00 am to 9 30 pm Manufacturers and Exporters of Indian Carpets, Rugs, Kilims, Handicrafts, Jewellery s, Pashmina Shawls, Silk Sarees etc Claims to have the biggest collection Of Oriental Carpets and Rugs in Bangalore High quality and locally priced wares, no pushy salesmen edit. Goobes Book Republic 46-1-1 Church St, Karnataka in the basement of Church Street Inn, Budget Hotel, near MG Rd, , 91 80 4112 4956 , 97 Second-hand and new books on a wide variety of subjects and a ver y cost effective library option and buy back used books edit. Bookport Casa Andree II, Ist floor, No 18 3, Andree Road, Shanti Nagar near Yellamma Dassappa Hospital , 91 80 4112 4956 , 98 They stock hand picked books on art, literature, philosophy, gender sexuality, film, feminism, current critical thinking, fiction, travel Also do art literature events edit. Axis Books 330 9, Axis Rd, Domlur Inner Ring Rd Domlur Layout near Indira Nagar Flyover , 91 80 4038 3838, 91 80 4152 6657 It s a fairly new book shop Started by one of the members of the Gangaram s family They stock books, stationery, multimedia, movies, and toys edit. The Strand Book Stall 1st Floor, Manipal Centre, Dickenson Road 91 80 2558 0000 99 Best known for the latest releases in art, design, architecture and all at good prices edit. Gangarams 72, MG Road 91 80 2558 6743, 91 80 2558 7277 The store has been closed down edit. Crossword ACR Towers, Residency Road opp Gateway Hotel , 91 80 2558 2411-16 A hot spot for books of vari ous genres combined with seating areas, spacious racks - music and movie section, children s section and a coffee shops this proves to be a wonderful hangout to read, browse and shop edit. Higginbothams 68, MG Road 91 80 2558 7359, 91 80 2558 6574 This bookstore has a good selection of maps, postcards, guides and novels edit. Premier Book Shop 46 1, Church Street 91 80 2558 8570 Is a venerable Bangalore institution that has books on every conceivable subject literally stacked from floor to ceiling Although the store may appear to be utterly chaotic, the owner knows where every piece of his stock lies - just be careful with those elbows, a slight nudge and the whole place will come tumbling down This store however, will shut down shortly edit. Landmark Luskar, Hosur Road, Koramangala in Forum Mall , 91 80 2206 7777 78 80 A modern bookshop A good place to pick up the most recent publications Various household appliances CDs and DVDs of music albums, computer and video games the quality varyi ng from time-to-time and movies can also be found on the next floor edit. Blossoms Church Street parallel to MG Rd and near Coconut Grove Restaurant , 91 80 255 9733, 91 80 2532 0400 There are 3 full floors of those rare, hard to find old books All 2nd hand, good condition and at low rates You definitely won t leave disappointed edit. Select Bookshop Brigade Road behind Curzon Court Hotel Used to be the only old bookstore Mr Murthy, who runs the bookstore, is one of the most knowledgeable people His grandfather started the bookstore He also has a collection of lithographs, stained glass paintings and collectors copies of antique books edit. Oxford Book Store At the Leela Galleria next to Hotel Leela Palace Has some of the latest collection of books and magazines but, doesn t offer any discounts It has a Chai Bar attached offering 69 blends of tea edit. Tata Book House At the Indian Institute of Science, Malleswaram Has a large collection of technical books, on which it offers a flat 20 per cent discount Lots of books in a small place Also worth visiting just because it is in IISc edit. Streelekha 33 1-9, Thyagaraja Layout, Jaibharath Nagar 91 80 2549 2783 This is a great bookstore to explore the feminist literature and activism that is being produced in India, as well as other texts on the research and work of Indian NGOs The atmosphere is relaxing and inviting edit. Sapna Book House 3rd Main Rd, near Kamat Yatri Nivas, Gandhi Nagar Walking distance from Majestic Bus stand , 100 This is a large bookstore, they also have branches in four other locations Sadashivnagar, Jayanagar, Indiranagar and Koramangala Sapna Book House also provides online book delivery edit. Fusion Rental 101 Online renting of books movies Vast collection of both books movies at one place Free pick up delivery all over Bangalore edit. The Bookworm in one of the by-lanes perpendicular to Brigade Rd, near McDonald s This is a small used book store Good bargains on used and new books are available here edit. Elloor Library Blue Cross Chambers, Infantry Road close to Commercial St A circulating library that has a wide range of fiction and non-fiction books, including new titles Requires membership which includes a deposit edit. Boutiques Edit. Apart from the numerous malls that have taken Bangalore by storm, the essential element and soul of the city comes through in its myriad small and unique boutiques that are all over the city, usually tucked away though Have tried to list the must check out stores. President s Groom Concepts BVK Iyengar Road Kamaraj Road near Gandhinagar in the city centre and near Commercial Street , 91 80 4147 0910 Two Mens-wear fashion stores, established 25 years Fine fabrics for made-to-order and a large ready-to-wear collection Bespoke suits and made to order clothing including tuxedos, business wear to traditional Indian kurtas and sherwanis edit. Mahendra Textiles Chickpet 91 80 4124 9900 Sarees and dress materials from Surat Mumbai Kolkata Rajasthan Varanasi Kera la and Sri Lanka edit. Levitate-InDiA in A RooM 777 1, 100 Ft Rd Indiranagar, 100 Ft Boutique Restaurant mezzanine floor 91 80 6452 8190, 91 98 4531 7776 Silver costume handcrafted jewellery, Bohemian apparel, Indian kitsch, lifestyle accessories edit. Chilli Billi Indiranagar 91 92 4179 9105 Great for women s westernwear, especially the dresses, good collection of bags, shoes and jewellery They also offer home decor solutions edit. Native Place Museum Road Behind Museum Rd Post Office Loads of interesting merchandise, crafts made by NGOs, c o The Only Place Restaurant edit. One G Hatworks Boulevard, Cunningham Road 91 80 4123 1231 Jewellery edit. Marmalade Adj to Spratt Salon, Magrath Road Left before Coffee Day, on Brigade Rd Extn , 91 80 4122 1814 Loads of affordable young designer wear edit. Arnav Near Ashoka Pillar, Jayanagar 91 80 2656 8416, 91 99860 01216 102 The quaint little jewellery store located at Ashoka Pillar, Jayanagar makes for very interesting jewelry buys, a range of antiq ue, restored, contemporary and fusion jewelry are on display They could help you design a piece of jewelry to suit your needs, an in-house jewelry consultant could help you choose your jewelry edit. Necessary Evil 12th A main, HAL 2nd stage, Indiranagar 91 80 4163 8757 103 Casual luxury has finally reached Bangalore with the opening of it s newest concept store Necessary Evil will be offering shoppers the latest international brands such as 7 For All Mankind, Splendid and Alice Olivia, some of which are in India for the first time They also offer and exclusive line of fine jewellery and home furnishings edit. Sakhi by Chandras 6th main, HAL 2nd stage, Indiranagar 91 80 4115 5551 104 Combines traditional fabrics and craftsmanship with contemporary themes Sakhi s sarees, salwars and kurtis combine Kanchivaram, tussar, chiffon, Georgette, crpe, organza and cotton with traditional techniques such as cut work, block print, kalamkari, badla, mirror work, chamki sequins and embroidery in a mlan ge of colours edit. Stritva 294, 8th main, BEML Layout, ITPL Main Road 91 963 222 1615 Sells readymade salwar suit kameez, kurtas, dress material, sarees and nightwear The store has a good collection at good prices edit. Music, movies and others Edit. Habitat Movies and Music Church Street is tiny compared to other retail music movie stores, but its a delight for lovers of good music especially Jazz Has an excellent and varied selection of DVDs for rent as well, though membership is currently closed edit. Golden Tips Tea Cosy Phoenix Market City, Whitefield , 105 An exclusive tea boutique with more than 300 varieties of teas from Darjeeling, Assam, Niligiri across the world It also displays a wide varieties of tea accessories, tea sets, and tea pots edit. This article or section does not match our manual of style or needs other editing Please plunge forward give it your attention and help it improve Suggested fixes Please ensure that Eat listings are entered under one of the 3 categories Bu dget, Mid-range or Splurge Please only use the Wikitravel Restaurants format and do not delete unused fields as it makes it difficult for others to add to the listing at a later time. Bangalore is far from the sea, and as such the quality of seafood can vary Some of the higher end and popular seafood places manage this well, but foreign travelers may want to tread a bit carefully. Budget Edit. Bangalore literally has hundreds of fast food joints serving South Indian vegetarian food They usually are identified with small round steel tables and diners standing around them having food Dosas, idlis, vadas, curd rice, pulao, rice with sambar, lemon rice are usually standard fare Quality varies widely, since many of them cater to the lower working classes. Restaurant Aroma 26, Rest House Road, Off Brigade Road 91 80 40390390 One of the very few Pure Veg Restaurants near Brigade Road This restaurant specializes in North and South Indian cuisine and is a popular hangout among the corporates and yo ung college goers in the area edit. Veena Stores 15 Cross, Margosa Road, Malleswaram This place has some of the best idlis and vadas in this part of the world They also make other dishes but Idli and Vada are mainstay Don t expect to sit and eat because there is no seating Stand and eat Best time to go is mornings for breakfast before they run out of the day s stock Very informal setting, but the food is amazing edit. Shettara Beedi Food Street The entire street adjoining the famous VB Bakery at V V Puram is Bangalore s miniature version of Kuala Lumpur s Jalan Alor food stalls A haven for anyone who enjoys hawker fare, one can stall-hop and have a variety of snacks that ll satisfy even the most ravenous hunger and spend less than Rs 100 in total Some of the must-try dishes are dum-root and butter-bun congress at VB Bakery The dosas, obbattu sweet pancake akki rotti rice pancake fried bondas butter-gulkand, and masala-pepsi available at the various stalls are also delicious Note that the street comes alive only in the evenings after 6PM and that only vegetarian fare is available here edit. Janani JP Nagar A great place to have breakfast, lunch or dinner, you can have idli and sambar for Rs 10 and a cup of tea for Rs 8, a North Indian roti-curry plate for Rs 32 If you want to have good Punjabi food, go upstairs and get a good meals for under Rs 150 Rs 10-150 edit. Anupams Coastaal Express Shivananda Circle, Nehru Nagar They make fantastic fish dishes Neer dosa with chicken pulimunchi kori roti and chicken ghee roast are some things you really cannot miss edit. Hotel Empire Church St Next to Museum Inn, other locations on Centre Street and Koramangala , 106 10AM-3PM Indian, Chinese, and Middle Eastern cuisine until late night Try butter chicken, chicken kababs and parathas Is a good place for non-vegetarian as well as vegetarian food and is reasonably priced edit. Fanoos adjoining Johnson Market, off Brigade Road One of the joints for getting Sheekh beef rolls in Bangalore They come in various sizes - sheekh roll, sheekh jumbo, sheekh mambo, sheekh rambo and sheekh sambo - the latter of which is almost 2 thick There are other options like chicken, mutton and paneer rolls as well as kababs and shawarma Rs 30-100 edit. Mavalli Tiffin Room MTR 11, Lalbagh Road 91 80 2222 0022, 91 80 2222 1706 0700-1445, 1530-2100 One of the very old, traditional breakfast lunch tiffin place in Bangalore Regulars have been having their breakfast at MTR everyday for the past 15 yrs Expect a long wait on weekends Traditional 12 course Karnataka lunches are also available here for around Rs 200 per head Advance reservations recommended at weekends Rava idlis, dosas and bisi bele bath are excellent It has maintained its quality over the years and is very famous edit. New Shanti Sagar This is a reasonably reliable chain of vegetarian South Indian restaurants Branches scattered all over the city, notably in Koramangala 80 Foot Road, Jayanagar, Domlur Rs 50-200 edit. Adiga s Chain of fast food and fine dining restaurants Prominent among them are in Jayanagar 4th Block on the road facing BHS First Grade College, Basavanagudi edit. Adiga s Foodline 502, 40th Cross, 8th block Jayanagar edit. Adiga s Delicacy 105, Manipal Centre, Dickenson Road edit. Adiga s Majestic Next to Fkcci Bldg, KG Rd edit. Adiga s Nalapaka across from HSBC Complex, Bannerghatta Road, Arekere edit. Adiga s Sampige Sampige Road, Malleshwaram edit. Sree Krishna Fast food a little further from the road connecting Lalbagh Westgate with Basavanagudi edit. SLV chain Prominent among them are located in Banashankari 2nd stage, opposite BDA park and one in 2nd Phase near Ragigudda Temple edit. Vidhyarthi Bhavan off Gandhi Bazar in Basavanagudi A gastronomic haven offering some of the best masala dosa in the world This quaint little place is so famous that it has not even bothered to change it s age old sign board, and who needs it anyway, the aroma wafting through the air is a good enough indication that you ar e in the vicinity of the place Get there early for a breakfast, there s always a bee-line for places to sit edit. Brahmin s Coffee Bar off Shankar Mutt in Shankarapuram, Basavanagudi Famous for idly, vada and chutney You also get khaara bath Don t expect sambar for vada here edit. Hotel Janatha 8th Cross, Malleswaram Makes some of the best vada-sambhar and masala dosa in town have to try vada BEST EVER edit. Corner House Residency Road 91 80 2558 3262 Chain of ice-cream parlours in Jayanagar 9th block, Koramangala, Airport Rd, off 80 Foot Rd , Arlton Towers , Whitefield Rd, Marthahalli and Shivananda Circle One of the best ice cream parlours offering a variety of treats Their famed Death by Chocolate popularly known as DBC is a must for all chocolate lovers and has attained a cult status Can be tricky to find a spot during peak times and you may find yourself being encouraged by the staff to leave quickly once you do edit. Sree Sagar Central Tiffin Room CTR Margosa Rd, Malleswaram Another landmark hotel, dishing out some divine benne masala dosa butter masala dosa , which literally melts in the mouth edit. Upahara Darshini DVG Road, Basavanagudi Another of Bangalore s new found Darshinis dishing out top notch masala dosa and Vada Sambhar edit. Lake View Milk Bar MG Road 91 80 2558 7410 Excellent ice creams, club sandwiches and burgers edit. McDonald s Spread across the city 107 Don t expect to find any beef dishes edit. Kentucky Fried Chicken KFC Spread across the city International fast food chain edit. Shiv Sagar Narayan Pillai Street, off Commercial St 91 80 2509 8892 Don t get put off by the location, it s a great place to eat edit. Coconut Grove Church Street Appams and Kerala parottas with a chicken sauce dish Their lunch offer for Rs 80 is also really good A pretty good choice for reasonably priced quality seafood Coco-Grove the outdoor beer cafe extension is also worth a look edit. KC Das This is a chain of Bengali sweets stores in Bangalore The one on Church St is per haps the most visible and famous but there are outlets on Coles Road, BTM Layout edit. Udupi Garden 16th Main BTM Layout This restaurant is closed for business now Simple Udupi restaurant Serves very good South Indian dishes at nominal prices Also serves north Indian food edit. Nandhini The Andhra fast food chain serves some excellent biriyani and chicken dishes edit. Shezan On Lavelle Rd and Cunningham Rd 91 80 2224 9319, 91 80 2224 9667, 91 80 2228 7895, 91 80 2226 2195 Indian, Chinese and Continental cuisines with a good menu choice where beef, fish, prawn, mutton and chicken meat are available Excellent steaks edit. Savera Tea Shop 24 hr tea shops near Russell Market in Shivajinagar and on MG Rd Good place to go for a cup of tea in the dead of the night Serves tea, Suleimani honey lemon tea and a variety of biscuits Rs 3-15 edit. Kanti Sweets Chain of fast food sweets stores in KG Rd, Majestic, Malleswaram Circle, RT Nagar, Rajarajeshwari Nagar Very good samosas, kachoris and North Indi an sweets like rasmalai Rapidly expanding chain, so there are plenty of branches all over the city now, which serve parathas and other food items as well The main branch in Majestic is the best, and serves only samosas, kachoris and sweets Rs 10-50 edit. Kohinoor Brigade Road Serves very reasonably priced Kerala Muslim style food edit. Java G block of Diamond District apartments, Kodihalli, old Airport Road 91 80 4137 8888 A hidden gem that serves buffet lunch and dinner for Rs 150 on weekdays, Rs 250 on weekends prices 2008 The buffet consists of both North and South Indian dishes and caters to both vegetarians and non-vegetarians Reasonably priced Rs 90-120 entree a-la-carte selection is available outside of lunch and dinner hours Rs 90-250 edit. Richies MM Road Off Mosque Road Serves the kind of biryani that is the Bangalore original It is located midway on MM Rd, and hard to miss because of the crowds that throng its takeaway counter One visits Richies only for the food tables and cha irs made of synthetic wood, and dim light from gaudy chandeliers don t exactly make for great ambiance A motley bunch of diners cram the place for lunch and dinner they have only recently built the 2nd and 3rd floors The biryani here is delicious, and you must love meat to love Richies The menu is limited but the mutton and chicken biryani stand out and they are not flavoured with the same masala, or heaven forbid, rice, their kababs are something nice and unique too edit. Mid-range Edit. Koshy s St Marks Road End of Church Street A Bangalore institution, serving a smattering of Western favorites like fish and chips along with the usual South Indian fare in a bohemian-for-India atmosphere On weekends, they serve up greasy Western-style breakfast, including omelettes and Bombay i e French Toast Appam and stew is their Sunday breakfast special and a must eat Turn right at the entrance for the more expensive and decidedly less charming A C room Smoky, with sluggish service, and not particul arly clean, Koshy s still has plenty of character and history but its getting harder to justify their skyrocketing prices Rs 50-200 edit. Siam Trading Co Thai Kitchen and Bar 1079 12th Main Indiranagar 91 99721 48287 Authentic Thai Kitchen with lost recipes from the ancient palaces of Thailand Dont miss their fermented meats, homemade sausages and the Thai influenced cocktails edit. Sue s Food Place Krishna Temple Road, Indira Nagar A Caribbean style restaurant run by Sue Susan John from Trinidad and Tobago It has an excellent buffet Their Jamaican jerk chicken, salads and desserts are lovely A la carte menu is available on certain days Rs 200-500 edit.100ft Restaurant 100 Feet Road, Indiranagar Westernised cooking, but notably better than any other pasta serving restaurant in the area The restaurant is a bit of a hybrid of store restaurant Rs 300-500 edit. Ebony 13th Floor, Utility Building, MG Road Stylish eatery with excellent evening views of the city Service is a bit slow, but the am biance makes it worth the wait Book ahead for a terrace seat Rs 200-400 edit. Little Italy 100 Feet Road, Indiranagar Opposite Forum Mall, Hosur Road, Koramangala A chic Italian vegetarian restaurant edit. Mainland China Church Street Near Museum Rd 33nd Cross, 9th Main Jayanagar 100 feet Road, Indiranagar 91 80 2227 7722, 91 90 2224 5864 Upscale Chinese food Good, fairly authentic food and excellent service Serves a decent lunch buffet Rs 500-800 edit. Sahib Sindh Sultan Level 2, Forum Mall, Hosur Road, Koramangala 91 80 2206 7878 Train-themed restaurant with a delicious, upscale menu It is supposed to showcase NWFP Their kakori kebabs are excellent It also serves wine with the food Expect a long wait Or book ahead and roam around the mall or grab a few drinks from the adjoining Firangi Paani 150-300 edit. The Only Place Museum Road Bangalore, Karnataka shortcut through church street , 080 3271 8989 12 - 3pm,7-11pm The place for continental food famous for steaks, burgers and sandwiches good ambiance Servings are huge 600 edit. Samarkand Gem Plaza, 66, Infantry Rd East of Central St 91 80 4111 3366 North West frontier food i e kebabs, Afghani in a kitschy atmosphere but the food is great You will need to reserve tables on weekends Rs 300-600 Rs 300-600 edit. T G I Friday s Lido Mall, Trinity Circle Don t expect cheap Indian prices Happy hours with 1 1 free on alcoholic beverages in the evening should make up for that edit. Pinxx Manipal Centre off MG Rd A great place for Breakfast, lunch and dinner buffet Rs 200-400 edit. Canopy PU Building, MG Road Open air, multi-cuisine North-Indian food Cooking techniques date back to the Independence era offering the unique taste Great outdoor ambiance in the middle of the central business district Rs 125-750 edit. Le Rock Pub Cafe Rest House Road, Off Brigade Rd 91 80 4123 1001 Hot coffee to chilled Kingfisher beer on the tap awesome cocktails and even hand rolled Havana Cigars from Salads, Sandwiches, Jacket Baked Potatoes to Entree s LRC also offers an Oxy Bar - Bangalore s first A must for every tourist visiting this city edit. Ceasar s Restaurant MG Road Indian and continental food Ambiance is good though the food is tad expensive Parking is a problem edit. Alibaba Cafe Restaurant Frazer Town 91 80 4091 7163 Arabian, Persian and Bhatkali cuisine described as An Arabian Lake in the Indian Ocean A themed restaurant with the feel of Arabia, Persia and India The Shaiya Biryani of the Bhatkali cuisine, the Al faham chicken barbeque out of the Arabian cuisine and the chicken Jujeh kabab from the Persian cuisine are all recommended edit. The Egg Factory St Marks Road Ring Road, JP Nagar 91 80 4211 0041 Multi-cuisine, The menu, as the name suggests, is all based on the indispensable egg Its also modeled on a factory with functional chairs and a menu that looks like an instruction manual Its open for all day dining Egg dishes from all over the world, including omelets, scrambles, French toast, curries, subs, pasta dessert s Don t miss the fantastic Huevos Rancheros here, they make it as good as in Mexico Innovative drinks, try the Chlorophyll Fix it looks and sounds weird, but tastes like heaven Relaxed service edit. Splurge Edit. Blue Ginger Taj West End, Race Course Road High-end Vietnamese restaurant with, a beautiful setting and excellent food You may be shocked by the bill, though Just next door to the excellent Blue Bar edit. Cafe Mozaic Taj Residency, 41 3 MG Road Western-style dining in a casual atmosphere with some pool-side seating Sundays before 3 30PM, there is an all-you-can-eat drink champagne brunch for Rs 1,000 edit. Grasshopper 45 Kalena Agrahara, Bannerghatta Road 91 80 2659 3999, 91 98 4545 2646 Freshly prepared seven course meal served on the table Reservation required Closed on Mondays edit. Leela Palace All-you-can-eat drink brunch on Sunday is Rs 2,000 They have 4 restaurants, Citrus Lounge Brasserie kitchen , Zen Pan Asian , Library Bar serves all cuisine and Jamavar Authentic Indian Generally overpriced compared to the Taj outlets Blue Ginger, Graze, Karavalli edit. Monsson Park Hotel, Old Madras Road Next to Taj Residency 24 hr cafe with a variety of Continental dishes, Indian, South East Asian and Mediterranean Ideal location for private parties. Sunny s Embassy Diamante, 34, Vittal Mallya Road 100 feet Road, Indiranagar 91 80 5132 9366, 91 80 5132 9391, 91 80 2212 0496 About Rs 1,200 for a 3-course meal for two, excluding drinks Among the best restaurants in Bangalore Try the starters, salads and pasta is fine here Hot sandwiches for lunch edit. The Raj Pavillion ITC Windsor Manor, Golf Course Road 24 hr restaurant that offers the taste of the British Raj Anglo-Lucknowi, Far East and Continental cuisine is served Amongst the best in Bangalore edit. Karavalli Gateway Hotel, Residency Road 91 80 2558 4545 Mangalorean, Goa, Karwar, and Kerala style cuisine Best Indian food you will get when visiting Bangalore edit. I T-alia The Park Hotel has the best Italian food in t own edit. Graze Taj Residency, 41 3 MG Road Has some of the best creative continental you will get in Bangalore edit. Giancarlo s near Vittal Mallya Rd strikethrough Offers some of the best Italian in town, though quality tends to be unstable strikethrough This place has shut shop edit. Olive Beach Wood Street A longtime favourite that will serve you Italian meats and cheese in a nice setting, this is still among Bangalore s best edit. Bangalore in La Classic Hotel Extraordinaire The only fine dining multi cuisine restaurant, outside Electronic City and on the way to Hosur Caters to buffet breakfast, lunch and dinner from a selection of an international menu edit. Regional cuisine Edit. Tijouri Hotel Atria North Indian restaurant inside the Hotel Atria edit. Kamat Yatrinivas Gandhinagar Bull Temple Road Serves special N Karnataka meals with jowar sorghum rotis They now have a branch on Bull Temple Road where they have local artists perform when you have dinner edit. Kadambam Bull Temple Road o ff West of Chord Road Authentic Iyengar cuisine ranging from Puliogare, Sakkare Pongal, Thayir Sadham, of course Kadambam which is actually a type of heavenly concoction of Sambhar and rice, akin to Bisibele Huliyanna , and a wide array of traditional Iyengar sweets It has two branches, one on Bull Temple Road, near Ramakrishna Ashram and another just off West of Chord road, near Modi eye Hospital in Rajajinagar edit. Continental Edit. Herbs Spice 39, 80 Feet Road, Indiranagar 6, Whitefield Main Road Opus, Palace Cross Road 108 Great pasta, pizza, and desserts edit. Friends Fast Food Jyoti Nivas College Rd, Koramangala 300 m from Forum Mall Great Conti food at college prices Casa Piccola fans will like this one edit. Cafe Y Langford Road Near Prestige Elgin, Hosur Rd-Langford Rd junction , 91 80 5114 4561 Amazing sizzlers and steaks, nice ambiance edit. Indi Joe Sizzlers Church Street 91 80 4111 3636, 91 80 4112 1234 Fondue, pizza, steak and Mexican food Their Lunch buffet is good edit. Rend ezvous 80 Feet Road, Koramangala Near Barista and Maharaja Hotel edit. Shiva Temple Shiv Mandir , Old Airport Road Please only use Wikitravel standard listing formats for Attractions see , Activities do , Shops buy , Restaurants eat , Bars and clubs drink , Hotels sleep and Other listings listing DO NOT delete any of the standard fields as it makes it difficult for other editors to add further information to the entry at a later time Free entrance, camera Rs 25 latitude longitude edit. Maharashtrian food Edit. Kollapuri s 429 31 30th Cross, 4th Block Jaya Nagar Near Jain Mandir , 91 80 4121 1693, 91 80 2653 5207 An authentic Maharashtrian hotel run by Savaji It serves bhakri, chapati and Sheckle Edme special Savaji stuffed roti with spicy sabjis and non-veg edit. Rajvardhan Foods 1291 25th Main Road, 9th Block Jaya Nagar East Near Big Bazaar , 91 98 8630 3088, 91 98 8630 3089 Best known for its vadapav, sabudana vada, khichdi It also offers bhakri, thalipeeth The snacks and other food offe red here is comparatively expensive This is because it is Bangalore s only authentic maharashtrian food outlet It also serves food fresh, only prepared after placing the order, so the wait and price is compensated The food quality is excellent edit. Oriya food Edit. Dalama 37, 6th block, Koramangala, 100 ft Rd near Kamat Hotel, Koramangala , 91 80 4166 0921 Authentic Oriya cuisine including vegetable curries, the odia speciality Dalma, chapati, meat, fish, prawn, crab, mutton and chicken delicacies edit. South Karnataka Edit. Karavalli Gateway Hotel, Residency Rd 91 80 2558 4545 Mangalorean, Goa, Karwar, and Kerala style cuisine edit. Konkan 6th cross, 6th Block, Koramangala 91 80 2552 1530 Mangalorean and Goan style cuisine edit. Vidyarthi Bhavan 32 Gandhi Bazaar 91 80 2667 7588 Another very old and traditional breakfast place, exclusively known for its Masala Dosa Similar to MTR, you can find people who have been having breakfast here since times immemorial edit. The Palms Highgates Hotel, 33 Church Street 91 80 2559 7172 Mangalorean, Coorgi, and Malabari style shut for renovations edit. Janatha Hotel 8th Cross, Malleshwaram Another great place, famous for its butter masala dosas and vadas edit. Halli Mane 3rd Cross, Malleswaram close to Malleswaram Circle Truly authentic and traditional Kannada style food edit. Kamath Yatrinivas Gandhinagar Authentic Mangalorean meals edit. Kamath Lokaruchi Mysore Road just before Channapatna Amazing food and ambience Authentic mangalorean meals edit. Upaahara Darshini Jayanagar 3rd Block One of the Bangalore s oldest food joints Amazing dosas pancakes edit. Krishna Darshini Basavanagudi. Kudla Ramanashree Comforts For sea-food, serves excellent dishes its like a thilak edit. New Krishna Bhavan 1st Cross Malleswaram For authentic Mangalorean food, reasonably priced Try the neer dosa and badam halwa edit. Kodial s 8th Cross Malleswaram For authentic vegetarian Konkani cuisine edit. Bengali Edit. Oh Calcutta St Mark s Rd Part of a chain of restauran ts across the country, and the best Bengali food available in the city albeit pricier than the other options edit. Bangaliana 355, 1st B Main, 7th Block, Koramangala opp HDFC Bank , 91 80 2571 1058 Authentic Bengali Delicacies Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Restaurant, Take-away, Catering Specialities fish, mutton chicken and, of course, sweets edit. Sonar Bangla 88 1, Shubh Arcade, 1st floor, 16th Cross, Margosa Rd, Malleswaram 91 80 3367622 The restaurant undertakes orders of authentic Bengali food for gourmets who fancy a whole meal and also delivers it at the doorstep Fish is considered sacred in the coastal state and is consumed universally So, all fish lovers can take heart as the non-vegetarian cuisine is delivered, but not served at the restaurant edit.6 Ballygunge Place 1st Floor, 612, 12th Main, Indira Nagar above Caf Coffee Day It has been rated best bengali restaurant by times food guide Bangalore It serves excellent fish esp their chital peti roast , dab chingri and luchis Thei r mock tails are avoidable however Prices are slightly on higher side May cost around Rs 1000 for two but the food quality is good The owners have added Calcutta style chaat on top floor also recently Rs 1000 edit.36 Chowringhee Lane 100ft Rd, BTM Layout opp Reliance Fresh , 91 80 4124 0979 Authentic Bengali Cuisine edit. The Esplanade KHB Colony 91 80 4092 7878 Offers authentic Bengali cuisine They also have a continental menu edit. Bhojohori Manna 668 B 6th Block, Koramangala Club Rd 91 80 2550 3666 91 96 2090 3666, 91 95 3880 3666 Free home delivery edit. Andhra Edit. Bheemas Church Street off Brigade Rd If you have the penchant for spice this place is meant for you edit. RRs ff Brigade Rd A renovation of the vintage RRs, the fun doubles here with the double storied restaurant, one serving Andhra and the other Hyderabadi cuisines There s also alcohol, all the more reason to indulge on a Saturday afternoon This place is now closed edit. Nagarjuna Chimney Residency Road Jayanagar 3rd Block near Old Galaxy Theatre near ICICI Bank Possibly have a few more branches elsewhere in Bangalore The Biryani is almost intoxicating, not to mention their meals which are served ritually on a banana leaf Get there early for lunch there are always hordes waiting edit. Krishna Cafe Koramangala opp China Pearl Traditional Chennai - style food Dosas, idlis, idiappam and the like with authentic Tamil sambar and chutney Do note that this place is vegetarian-only A vegetarian meal will cost you around Rs 80 Most of the French expats eat here Rs 80-150 edit. Pongal Jivan near the Indiranagar telephone exchange Tamil Nadu food Lots of dosa varieties and is very famous for the Podi dosa, parotta with kurma are good Ambience is not that great, but this place is for those who need a quick bite without a big pinch on the wallet edit. Anjappar Restaurant 50 100 Feet Rd, 4th Block, Koramangala edit. Aathuraar Jeevanbhimanagar Main Road Near ICICI Bank Serves both vegetarian and non-vegetarian food prepared in Chettinad style Easy on the wallet as well edit. Annachi 100 Feet Rd, Indiranagar Serves both vegetarian and non-vegetarian food Has some good Chettinad style dishes edit. Annapoorna Ulsoor near It serves pure vegetarian food in Tamil style edit. Kadambam Manipal Centre, Dickenson Rd Serves authentic Tamil Iyengar food edit. Adyaar Ananda Bhavan A2B CMH Road, Indira Nagar Opposite Indiranagar Metro Station Serves decent vegetarian food in Tamilnadu style One could have a lunch, for about Rs 150 Most dosa varieties are priced between Rs70 and Rs 100 Have branches in Marathalli, Hope Form Whitefield and Vidyaranyapura All their outlets have adjoining sweet stalls, which offers variety of sweets and ready to prepare mixes, dosa mixes and so on Try their Basundi Sweet Dessert, served cold, made out of milk edit. Fast food and ice cream parlors Edit. U S Pizza Church St 91 80 2559 9347 If you are looking for a western tasting pizza this is the closest you get, try lamb-pepperoni. Richie Rich I ce Cream Parlor With three branches around the city, this ice cream parlor has a variety of natural ice creams, softies and many fast food items such as pav bhaji and vada pav Try the Elvis Presley specialty or the traffic jam or Richie Rich special The 3 locations are on St Marks R, Airport Rd and Kumara Park East 91 80 2226 9655.Phalaamritha Ice Cream Parlor 8th Cross, 14 1 West Park Road, Malleswaram 91 80 6567 5755 Serves 25 super smooth home-made ice cream flavours along with health drinks, varieties of kulfi s, milk shakes, Ice tea, ice cream, novelties and chaats. Corner House 8th Cross,12th Main Rd, HAL 2nd Stage, Indira Nagar This is the place for you if you are looking for the best desserts in town The brown bomb and hot fudge are a must have Not a place for calorie counters. North Indian Edit. Bay Leaf Raheja Arcade, Opposite Forum Mall, Kormangala A really nice place with reasonable prices. Grameen Raheja Arcade, Opposite Forum Mall, Kormangala One of the best places to have good Vegetarian North Indian food. Queens Church St, Opposite Amoeba Small restaurant but great food at reasonable prices. Dalfryday Bannerghatta Rd Near IIM - B, beside HSBC Bank and above Fabmall North Indian, non-vegetarian cuisine in a fine ambience this is closed as of now, Hyderabadi biriyani has opened a branch at the same location. Hyderabadi biriyani Banerghatta Rd, near Indian Institute of Management - Bangalore IIM-B beside HSBC Bank and above Fabmall Serves good biriyani. Rasilas J P Nagar 7 Phase, Shreyas colony, close to Brigade Millennium Elita Promenade Apartments, near RBI layout Nice place with very fine cuisine. Mast kalander Bannerghatta Rd has some very nice North India cuisine It is very reasonably priced There are branches in Indirangar and Electronic city also. Pot Luck Bannerghatta Rd, in an alley opposite IIM Bangalore Has some very good North India cuisine It is very reasonably priced Another Branch in JP Nagar near Udupi Restaurant. Italian Edit. I-Talia The Park, MG Rd 9 1 80 2559 4666 Expensive, but arguably the best Italian food in town. Fiorano Ristorante 63, 100 Foot Rd 5th A block, Koramangala, Next to Sukh Sagar 109 91 80 2553 4231 Easy to miss driving by but Incredible food Entrees Rs 300-600.100 ft Boutique 100 Foot Rd, Indira nagar, after Fab Mall when you are travelling from CMH Rd side, and a few stores after Benetton on the LHS if you re coming from Airport Rd , 91 80 4150 1781, 91 80 6452 8190 Comparable to most continental resto-bars The best part about it is that its a Boutique Restaurant, which means you can shop, while waiting for your meal to arrive, even after 9PM, which is when most other shops close in Banglalore The Boutique houses many young designers Levitate showcases a wide array of eclectic street fashion and handcrafted kitsch from all over India. Italia previously Little Italy , Nice vegetarian restaurant in Indira Nagar, a little expensive Good food. Via Milano Koramangla, near Sony World Authentic Italian food 3 course meal for 2 will cost an average of Rs 2,000, wine not included. Chinese Edit. P ng No 130, 1st Cross, 5th Block, Koramangala Includes a dessert bay Dim sum, sensible portions, good prices. Aromas of China Eva Mall, 5th floor. Shanghai Junction No 8, Sri Sai, 60 Foot Rd, G Block, Sahakarnagar behind Big Market , 91 80 41744477, 91 80 4174 4488.Golden Lights No 4032, 100ft Rd, HAL-II Stage, Indranagar 91 80 2559 7722, 91 80 6537 4579 As close to an authentic Chinese meal as you will find in this city Excellent food, good service A tad pricey. Caesar s Multi Cuisine Restaurant Mahalakshmi Chambers, 9 2, MG Rd beside HSBC bank opposite ING Bank Variety of tasty food Classic environment 6 30PM-11 30PM From M-Sun. Mainland China 2 branches Church St anp 100 Foot Rd. Chungs and Chung Wa spread across Bangalore. Kerala Edit. Claypot Tippasandra. Muthashi Maruthinagar, near Madiwala. K K Bakers Malleshpalaya. BigBoy Fried Chicken BFC , Vignan Nagar. Kalavara Vignan Nagar. Malabar Cuisine Maratha Halli Bridge. Mala bar Bay near Forum Mall, Koramangala. MAS Madiwala, 2-3 km from Koramangala. Gokulam Mess GM Palaya, 3 km from Indiranagar. Continental Spice Airport Rd, close to Diamond District. Hotel Ruchi Vignan Nagar. Kaayal Jeevan Beema Nagar Rd. Hotel New Malabar Near level cross, Kaggadasapura. Tharavadu Hosur Rd, Bommanahalli, after silk board. Priyam Restaurent Jagadish Nagar, behind BEML. The Paramount Restaurant Koramangala near Jyothi Nivas college. Little Home Koramangala, 80 Foot Rd, near Wipro K2 office Very good south and central Kerala food Bad service though. Kerala Pavalion Domulur behind Santhi Sagar Authentic Kerala food. Dhabas Edit. There are few Dhabas catering to all tastes Both South and North Indian fare is available at most places and is clean and cheap A special mention is the green park dhaba on the outskirts on Bellary Road and Golconda Chimney on the old airport road in Marthahalli opposite Shankara Eye Hospital Golconda Chimmney has been recently renovated and has both A c and non - A C sections, the non-veg spread is simply amazing but the rates are steep if you have a traditional dhaba in mind The ambience is nice Try the chicken kathi rolls and the biryani. Bobby-da-Dhaba near Ulsoor Lake Take a left turn from MG Road - Trinity Circle and ask for Gurudwara the Sikh temple Right next to the Gurudwara is Bobby-da-Dhaba The food is quite good albeit slightly oily It basically serves paranthas with lots of butter , chaach, kheer and a number of side dishes most notable being their shahi paneer and rajma You may have to wait for a while in case it is full So it s better to go slightly early, 12PM for lunch and 7 30PM for dinner to avoid rush. This article or section does not match our manual of style or needs other editing Please plunge forward give it your attention and help it improve Suggested fixes Please only use the Wikitravel Drink format and do not delete unused fields as it makes it difficult for others to add to the listing at a later time. Caf Coffee Day 11 0 91 80 4001 2345 Popularly known as CCD, first established in 1996, at Brigade Road, Bangalore The chain has over 1,000 cafes through out India It is found all over Bangalore. Barista Lavazza 111 91 80 4207 5023 An Indian startup cafe chain established in 1997 and more commonly known as Barista and now owned by Lavazza The chain has more than 200 stores in India It is found all over Bangalore with 32 retail outlets, most of them near IT corporate offices. Costa Coffee British coffeehouse chain 112 91 80 4348 8888 Koramangala 4th Block, in Indranagar and another opposite Goethe-Institut, RMZ Eco Space on Sarjapur Rd and Sigma Mall, Brookesfield, Cunningham Rd, JNC Rd, and Jayanagar Besides Coffee, Costa lays heavy emphasis on food with sandwiches, paninis, tostatos, pastas and many kinds of deserts, English muffins, a wide variety of cakes and desserts. Caffe Pascucci 113 91 080 4091 2134 Italian coffee chain brand In 2010, Pascucci set up its own coffee retail shop in India with 10 outle ts in Bangalore at prominent localities like Jayanagar, Malleshwaram and Indranagar. Cake Walk 297, 100 Feet Rd, Indra Nagar 114 91 80 2520 5393.Coffee World Can be found all over Bangalore 115.Coffee Workers Co-op Church St s Brigade Gardens A venerable Bangalore institution, with waiters in traditional uniforms and customers slowly savoring the age-old tradition of coffee drinking - though there are just two choices of coffee black or white Have some delightful masala dosa here. Java City Church St Pleasant old Bangalore atmosphere Offers a wide variety of tea, coffee from all over the world including pizza, pasta, pastries, cookies, you name it they have it plus you get to see a unique sense of humor in their menu and on the walls On saturday and Sunday evenings, there is live music, rock and guitar This place is simple, expatriate friendly and not at all pricy There is another Java City near Lavelle Road. Pubs and bars Edit. The pub scene is concentrated around the commercial business district in the heart of Bangalore MG Road, Brigade Road, Residency Road, St Marks Road, and Church Street have numerous pubs Happy hours is typically between 6-8 PM and at most pubs, the time for the last order is around 10 30 PM Formerly having a reputation as the Pub City of India, Bangalore s buoyant pub and nightlife has been curtailed by police and regulatory action, and all bars and nightclubs must now close no later than 11 30 PM. Budget Edit. Most bars and pubs in the city are somewhat upscale, but many inexpensive restaurants serve beer and good quality food. If you just need to go out you could go to one of the bars, but if you would like to have a great social experience and are in the city for a considerable period of time consider becoming a member of one of the social expat clubs in the city The IVES Club 116 offers a meeting for it s members every Saturday at one or the other popular nightclubs in Bangalore its members are interns, expats, volunteers and exchange students residing in the city. Mid-range Edit. PlanB Richmond Town, opp Hockey Stadium 91 9740862892 All American Bar Pub menu that is meat heavy with oversized potent cocktails BBQ Pork Ribs smoked for 10 hours in an in-house smoker is a must try Happy Hours on Cocktails on weekdays from 4 to 8 pm, buy a cocktail and get one on the house. The Biere Club Vittalmallya Rd on lavelle road, opp Sunny s Bangalore s first craft brewery and a popular place for beer lovers. Pecos Rest House Rd Off Brigade Road 60 s retro pub with a mural of Jerry Garcia Often crowded on all 3 floors, including the pleasant roof-top seating area Free popcorn with every pitcher of beer Cards are available for frequent customers which make every tenth pitcher of beer free, but you may have to ask several times in order to acquire one and to get it updated. Beer Joint Pub, aka BJP Indira Nagar. Lock N Load Pub The Texan Pub , Sahakar Nagar Hebbal. Tavern at The Inn Museum Rd. Purple Haze Residency Rd Popular for the classic rock that s played there Now there is a new Purple Haze off Hosur Rd, Koramangala close to Jyothi Niwas College. Ego s Castle Street, off Brigade Rd. J Cubez Banshankari 2nd Stage, opp BDA complex For rock lovers. The Bunker off Residency Rd. Jimi s Residency Rd and Koramangala 80 Rd A nice dark cozy bar along with Rock music and video Be st visited during weekends and is not hard on your pocket. Legends of Rock 80 Foot Rd, 6th Block, Koramangala 91 80 4130 3232 Watch the Legends perform on large format TVs. Olio Koramangala, 91 80 4092 7888 Great ambiance with beer, wines and continental food. Sultanate Of Swing 4th floor, Garuda Mall, Free entry, mainly plays Rock, Retro, Heavy Metal and has a Video DJ. Le Rock Pub Cafe Rest House Rd off Brigade Rd 91 80 4123 1001 The latest watering hole in Bangalore Rock music across the board screened on large plasma panels every song can not only be heard but seen as well Coffee, Kingfisher beer, cocktails, food and Bangalore s first oxy bar Open from 10AM-11 30PM. Windsor Pub Vasanth Nagar off Mount Carmel s in Kodava Samaja Building A small place which serves only beer, good food and is nice for a family outing But only limited tables. Carpe Diem Church Street off Brigade Rd It s a Power Metal haven. B11 Jayanagar 4th Block above Hotel Pavithra and next to Cool Joint. Take 5 54, MSK Plaz a, HAL II Stage Indiranagar A Jazz themed restaurant that serves great American style food and offers a large selection of beers They don t always play jazz but the food and drink is consistently good. Zeus 174 2nd Floor Manohar Crest, Brigade Rd on top of health n glow , 91 80 2532 3355 11 AM-11 30 PM Sports bar and lounge edit. Splurge Edit. Most hotels have spiffy bars with every imaginable concoction of drinks available. Kosmo Formerly Cosmo Village on Magrath Rd is now f bar and kitchen 2011 3 separate areas including a terrace 81 Ali Askar Road Cross Off Cunningham Rd This nightclub is a remodeled colonial villa on a quiet lane, with excellent DJs and expensive drinks, and attracts a wealthy clientele.13th Floor Barton Centre, M G Rd Make a reservation amazing view from the 13th floor. The Beach 100 Foot Rd, Indiranagar Make a reservation Starts with retro music, plays some good hip-hop and house towards the end Makes you feel like you are in Goa. Aura Cunningham Rd. Athena The Leela Ho tel, Airport Rd Really popular on most days of the week The upper VIP lounge is the best part of the club, but the rest of the club is beautifully appointed and attracts a hip crowd. Blue Bar Race Course Rd On weekends you need to buy drink-tickets for Rs 1,500 to enter Excellent drinks if you make sure Joel makes them Officially they have a couple s only policy Spontaneous dancing likely next to the bar. F-Bar inside Le Meridien Fashion Bar is a theme bar by FTV. Fuga Richmond Town The best place for house music lovers Expensive and fashionable. Firangi Paani Forum Mall, Koramangala. Geoffrey s Airport Rd, Royal Orchid Really nice place. Hint 5th Floor Bangalore Central, M G Road Tuesdays is ladies night couples permitted. iBar Park Hotel, M G Rd. Manchester United Restaurant Bar Opposite Forum on Christ College side A ambient and trendy Restaurant Bar that serves a wide variety of cuisine, most notably for their kababs, pizzas and cocktails. Taika Church St Off Brigade Rd Usually open past mi dnight and has a huge dance floor 3 bars and a lounge area Entrance varies each night. Tuscan Verve Off Brigade Rd. Vaayu Cool bar on the 5th floor of Eve Mall on Brigade road It has comfortable lounge seating, and is open air, giving some nice views over the city. This article or section does not match our manual of style or needs other editing Please plunge forward give it your attention and help it improve Suggested fixes Please ensure that Sleep listings are entered under one of the 3 categories Budget, Mid-range or Splurge Please only use the Wikitravel Hotels format and do not delete unused fields as it makes it difficult for others to add to the listing at a later time. As of November 2014, there is an almost 20 tax on advertised room tariffs in Bangalore 12 Luxury Tax plus 7 42 Service Tax , which means that what lists as a 20 hotel room will actually cost you 24 Be aware if you bargain the hotel may wave the tax altogether other discounts may be applied for weekly rates, as well a s payment in advance. Budget Edit. Hotel Rest Inn 26, Rest House Road, Off Brigade Road 91 080 40390390 117 checkin 12 noon checkout 12 noon Good Quality Budget Hotel Rooms in the heart of the city This Hotel has an in-house restaurant as well and is walkable distance from Brigade Road and MG Road Amenities on offer are Television, Mini Fridge, Wi-fi Connectivity, Room service, Travel Desk, Conference Hall, 24 hrs Hot water, Independent Air Conditioning and Coffee Maker Single Rs 2,200 double Rs 2,600 edit. Kind host 91 98 45180207 , 118 Clean rooms, clean attached bathrooms, wifi Nearby to many restaurants edit. Airavatam Serviced Apartment 330 7, Axis Rd Alight at Axis Books Bus stop , 91 80 4038 1200 Clean rooms, clean attached bathrooms, wifi Nearby to many restaurants edit. Church Street Inn 46-1-1, Church St 119 Clean rooms, clean attached bathrooms, wifi internet access, Complementary continental breakfast, Walking distance from MG Road, Brigade Road and restaurants Bookshop in lobb y area 120 6 fully furnished rooms, all A C, direct dial from rooms, free wifi, cableTV, including HBO and ESPN, free in house library Offices open 24 hr Single Rs 1,864 double Rs 1,800 edit. Silicon Suites 174, Nagvarapalya, Rahat Bagh, Behind Big Bazaar, Off Old Madras Rd, near Indiranagar 91 80 4019 8888 121.VSL Grand Serviced Apartments 91 80 4128 9401 8 122 Single and 2 bedroom apartments, close to Palace Grounds and easily accessible to the road leading to the New International Airport edit. Ajantha 22 MG Rd, 91 80 2558 4321 Good simple hotel with vegetarian restaurant. Royal Regency Lodge S C Rd next to Movieland theater , 91 80 4113 0202 123 Clean rooms and convenient to the city s local transports like the City bus station and the City Railway Station. Shree Vaishnav Gujarati Samaj behind Majestic Area, near Sapna cinema, Kempe Gowda circle A secure and decent place to stay if you are there for a day or two Costs Rs 50 A nice canteen with Gujarati food available In the vicinity th ere is another good place available for fast food lunch named SLV. UG Deluxe Majestic, Thulsi Thotta, stop near the small road opposite Upparpet Police station and next to Navruchi restaurant, then take right and then immediate left on a small lane and at the end of it take right and you will see the lodge on your right You may want to take an auto instead of walking down if you are going after a rainy day as your shoes will get dirty Non-A C rooms cost around Rs 550 approx US 13 , A C rooms may cost an extra Rs 200 US 5.YMCA Nrupathunga Rd Near Cubbon Park , 91 80 2221 1848 No-frills hotel. Maple Suites Serviced Apartments , Dollar Layout, Bilekahalli,2 stage 142 143, 4th Main Rd, Dollars Colony, BTM Layout Bangalore, KA 560076 Near Shoppers Stop on Bannerghatta Road , 91 80 4282 2428 124 checkin 12 noon checkout 12 noon Maple Suites Serviced Apartments are 19 fully furnished 1 BHK 2 BHK apartments Every Apartment has Separate living dining area with a fully functional kitchen All Apar tments are styled keeping in mind privacy, comfort and flexibility for the guest are ideal for corporate business traveler, family travel and for transit living INR 2500 edit. Basil Hotel 8, Sampige road, Malleshwaram Next to Sampige Theatre close to central railway station and bus stand , 91 80 4040 2323 125 checkin 24 hr checkout 24 hr Good service From Rs 2,900 edit. Hotel Bangalore Gate , 9 and 12, Gajanana Towers, K G Rd Theatre, 500 m away from Majestic Bangalore City Railway station , 91 99 4533 3999 126 checkin 12 noon checkout 12 noon Executive, superior and premium rooms All rooms are A C with complimentary breakfast and wifi 24 hours room service, 2 restaurants, ample car parking Rs 3,600-4,800 edit. Citizen Lodge about 1 km from MG Rd Bare bones motel-style establishment is well located but leaves much to be desired in terms of cleanliness and overall quality Double non-A C room costs around Rs 800 edit. Hotel Tap Silver Square No 185, Deenas, 3rd Fl, Brigade Rd Opposite McDo nalds , 91 80 2559 5656 , 127 3rd floor has views with floor-to-ceiling windows Clean and modern decor, clean rooms, all with A C, hot shower, free wifi which gets switched off between 12 AM-6 AM , fridge and small wall-mounted LCD TV 2 min walk to MG Rd and Church St It sits on top of the Fusion Lounge on the 2nd floor, you get thundering bass until 11 30 PM It might be a good idea to bring ear plugs if you plan to turn in early It might also be the reason why the prices are cheap for what you get Rs 1,011-1,742 approx US 22-39 , including tax For an additional Rs 500 US 11 , the hotel can arrange the use of a non-A C luxury car for a maximum of 4 hr or 40 km per day Rs 1,011-1,742 approx US 22-39 , including tax edit. Transit Living Serviced Apartments serviced apartments in Bangalore , 7 8 2nd floor, Shoukath Building, SJP Road, Bangalore-2 Serviced apartments at Diamond District, old airport road, Koramangala, Mysore Road, Indirangar, and at Hosur Road , 91 900 800 6487 , 128 Single Room, One, two, three bedroom and studio apartments with wireless Internet wifi, direct telephone services, laundry, A C, fully equipped kitchen and complimentary breakfast edit. Electric Cats Bed Breakfast hostel 10 minute walk from Indiranagar and 100ft Road , 91 98452 90679 1794, 1st Floor, 4th E Cross, 9th Main, HAL 3rd Stage - Amazingly clean and new hostel The host Stan is a very nice guy and will go to great lengths to make sure you enjoy your time there Cheap, and located pretty conveniently for the best restaurants and bars in the city along 100ft Rd Highly recommended Try and book in advance as it can get very busy edit. Others around Majestic If you are free for an hour, you can just go around the Majestic theatre and the Kempe Gowda Bus Station and look for a budget hotel yourself, as there are many on small streets and roads around this place Or, you can even trust to some extent a broker who voluntarily offers help, but be sure you take a good look at the rooms before you p ay any money to the lodge and the broker But there is a wrong notion in the minds of people in and around Majestic that whenever you go in pairs, they tend to look at you with a wrong and suspicious look If coming with family, especially newly married, avoid the Majestic area. Mid-range Edit. Live Inn Bangalore Serviced apartments Team Royal, 1st Main, 6th Block, Venkatareddy layout, 80ft Rd, Koramangala Near Oasis Lifestyle Mall Koramangala , 91 98 8034 9785 , 129 One, two and three bedroom apartments with wifi, direct telephone services, laundry, A C, fully equipped kitchen and hot breakfast is served in your room edit. D-Habitat Hotel Apartments Koramangala 130 Deluxe rooms, suites, studio, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments Ideal for short-term and extended stay 91 80 4150 1950.Prakruthi Club Resort Plot no 12A, Hegganahalli village, Kundana Hobli, Devanahalli Taluk 11 km from the airport , 91 80 2849 4002 , 131 Accommodation for couples, family, or corporate bookings Conference hall that can seat 120 people and meeting facilities Coffee shop Lounge bar, wifi Cottages and roms, Rs 2,500-9,000 edit. Villa Camelot 94 95, 4th Cross, ECC Rd, Prithvi Layout, Whitefield 91 80 3272 3965 , 132 Bed and breakfast run by a North Indian couple in the back lanes of ITPL Cozy atmosphere From Rs 1,500 edit. Shantha Unique 103, Green Glen Layout 91 94 49 865352 133 Serviced apartments for business or leisure travellers From Rs 1,799 edit. Hotel Woodlands No 5, Rajaram Mohan Roy Rd near Richmond Circle, Raja Ram Mohan Roy Rd 91 80 2222 5111 Mid-range hotel, very clean, great views of the city, delicious free South Indian breakfast buffet for Rs 3,400 per night for an A C double two single beds pushed together Nice location for exploring the city Long walk to M G Road, Garuda Mall, and Commercial Street. Fantasy Golf Resort Opp ITC-0 mins away from Bangalore Airport Ideal for hotel stay next to Bangalore Airport or for transit passengers 91 99 7209 2701 134.Hotel Vrindavan off MG Rd and very ne ar to MG Rd Brigade Rd junction Also called cauvery handicraft junction Nice hotel with great south Indian food. Church Street Inn Near Hard Rock Cafe , MG Rd, Brigade Rd and Residency Rd Church St Inn, 46,1-1 Church St opposite Night Watchman Pub 91 80 3057 7190 135 Free wifi and an in house library from Dr Seuss, Dahl to Dostoevsky Friendly and intelligent staff. Hotel St Marks St Marks Rd near Residency Rd. Best Western The Capitol Raj Bhavan Rd 91 80 2228 1234, 91 80 2228 1800.9 Marks Inn 9 St Marks Rd 136 91 80 2211 2889.The Bouvice 141C S T Bed Layout, 1st Main Kormangala, Sector 4 137 91 80 4152 4429, 91 93 4285 6034 A beautiful apartment hotel in Kormangala. Samrat Luxury Hospitality Iskon Temple Foot hills, 149 A, R Block, West of Chord Rd, Rajajinagar 91 80 2279 2893, 138.Chalet Hospitality A-08, Diamond District, Airport Rd 91 99 0197 6955 139 Luxury serviced apartments. Stopovers Serviced Apartments Stopovers , Diamond District, Old Airport Rd Close to old airport road , 91 98 4 513 9800 140 checkin 24hrs checkout 24hrs Contemporary apartments Rs 4,500 edit. Alcove Serviced Apartments Bengaluru G-301, Raheja Residency, 3rd Block, Koramangala 91 99 0057 8231 , 141 checkin 24 hr Single room, independent 1 or 2 or 3 BHK apartments, A C bedrooms with double beds and independent bathrooms, cable TV DVD player Kitchen with refrigerator, microwave, toaster, coffeemaker, mixer grinder and gas stove Fully automatic washing machine, iron and ironing board, complimentary breakfast, free wifi, swimming pool, club house with billiards, table tennis, gym and tennis court edit. Mitaroy Cricket Hotel Richmond Town located near MG Road , 91 80 2361 7708 , 142 Asia s only Cricket Hotel, collection of cricket memorabilia including Sachin Tendulkar s autographed portrait with Sir Don Bradman and Sir Gary Sobers Bat Rs 3,500 edit. Hotel Presidency Sadahalli gate Devanahalli Taluk near Bengaluru Airport , 91 80 2846 7175 143 24 hr reception Ideal for a business traveller. Fortune Park JP Celestial Race Course Road 91-80-40441234 fax 91-80-39884433 , 144 Great Accommodation just 1 5kms from railway station and easy access to airport edit. Olde Bangalore Olde Bangalore - Hotels Resorts , Tarabanahalli, Chikjala P O Bangalore 562157 close to the Bangalore International Airport , 91 9686516237, 91 9900428729 , 145 checkin 24 hrs checkout 24 hrs Resort and hotel, events, receptions, multi-cuisine food, corporate event facilities, conferences edit. The Pride Hotel Bangalore The Pride Hotel Bangalore , 93, Richmond Road, Langford Gardens, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560025 91 8043484348 , 146 Hotel with well decorated rooms, cafe, restro bar, banquet halls, conference halls, spa and much more 12 9654052 77 597654 edit. Splurge Edit. Grand Ashok Kumara Krupa Road, High Grounds 91 80 22 2404 2211 9 lines , 147 edit. Taj Residency Hotel 41 3 MG Road 91 80 5660 4444 , 148 Besides the Leela, this is considered the best business hotel in India edit. Chancery Pavilion Residency Road Nice bus iness hotel, good service and food About 200 US edit. Park Hotel 14 7 MG Road 91 80 2559 4666 , 149 edit. ITC Windsor Sheraton Hotel Sankey Road 150 edit. Oberoi Hotel 37-39 MG Road 91 80 2558 5858 151 edit. Taj West End Hotel Race Course Road 91 80 5660-5660 , 152 edit. Leela Palace Kempinski 91 80 2521 1234 , 153 The Leela has previously been voted The Best Business Hotel in the World by Conde Naste Traveller edit. Le Meridien 28, Sankey Road 91 80 2226 2233 , 154 edit. Hotel Royal Orchid Adjoining KGA Golf Course 91 80 2520 5566 155 Sometimes referred to as the Royal Orchid Park Plaza Not to be confused with Royal Orchid Central edit. The Paul 139 28, Domlur Layout Off Intermediate Ring Rd , 91 80 4047 7777 edit. The Oterra Hotel 43 Electronics City, Hosur Rd 91 80 30030303 edit. The Muddle Hotel 134, HAL Rd, Near Manipal Hospital 91 80 42494949 edit. Stay safe Edit. Bangalore is a relatively safe city during day time However, most of Bangalore practically shuts down a little before midnight - even very safe residential areas can be very desolate by 11 PM. Some of the lower-income areas can be somewhat unsafe once it gets dark Exercising caution and good sense will increase your chances of staying safe. It is not advisable to walk alone along deserted alleyways or lanes after dark Avoid doing so in areas that you are not sure are reasonably safe. Avoid using an autorickshaw if the driver is not alone, especially at night. Do not flaunt jewellery, high-end mobile phones laptops, watches etc. Do not withdraw large amounts of cash from ATM s in deserted areas. Beware of pickpockets in crowded areas such as exhibitions, cricket matches etc. If you are returning late from a party, it is advisable to pre-book cabs through reputed companies such as Meru as against flagging down an autorickshaw on the road. Exercise caution in stopping to help if you see a broken down vehicle at night, especially in lonely streets and in cases where you will be outnumbered. Rising incomes has brought an infl ux of people including both, white and blue collar immigrants, leading to disparities in earnings between locals, the casual labour immigrants and expatriates people from other parts of the state and also from other countries which arguably has resulted in a substantial increase in crime rates Crimes against women have also increased. One of the frequent crimes encountered in Bangalore, is a group of 4 to 5 men abduct a lonely individual, take his ATM cards, force him to give his ATM PIN While one goes to withdraw money, others hold back the individual Hence don t carry too many ATM cards in your wallet Carry one card, that has limited balance in it. Though Bangalore offers you a good climate through out the year to walk around the city, one would have to exercise caution One will have to walk on footpaths if exists that would be encroached by the vendors, there could be open drains as well Also be ready to face a 2 wheeler speeding towards you or if one honks behind you, while you are w alking on the footpath Crossing the roads can be a nightmare as well If you are pedestrian, don t expect the traffic to respect you A recent survey Oct-2015 says that Karnataka has the third highest road fatalities in India, with Bangalore contributing to most of it Pedestrians and 2 wheeler riders are the ones to meet the fate usually. Contact Edit. The area code for Bangalore is 080 When calling from overseas, dial 91 80 XXXX XXXX If you don t have an Indian phone number, it is strongly recommended that you get a pre-paid calling card if you plan on using your phone frequently Because of new government regulations, you need a photocopy of your passport visa and the ID pages , a color photo, and proof of local address in Bangalore when buying a pre-paid card If you do not have the required paperwork, it is recommended that you ask a local friend to buy a pre-paid card on your behalf Pre-paid cards are sold in a few of the shops that sell mobile equipment. Public telephones are a good opt ion and are available widely Most shops that offer public phones sport easily visible STD ISD PCO signages More often than not, public pay-phones are post-pay and there will be a person at the shop to take the payments Check the bill generated from the machine and make the payment accordingly Payments are always in Indian rupees. Internet Edit. There are plenty of Internet Centres which charge between Rs 10-25 per hr If you have laptop with wifi connection, free internet services are available at some malls, restaurants, and hotels However, free public wi-fi is not the you are planning to stay here for a while taking a internet dongle high speed 4G dongles would help you superbly while moderate to high speed internet connections are available abundantly in the city. Bengaluru is a clean city Compared to other major metropolitan cities such as Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai Mass epidemics are rare However, foreign tourists should be cautious about consuming water eating at open air eateries I t is recommended to use mosquito repellents after dark Present either as cream applied on skin, or in electronic form On a side note, if you have forgotten your diaphragm A bird in hand is better than two in the bush. Rising air and noise pollution, have been a cause for concern in Bengaluru Due, to the number of vehicles on the road With many flowering trees around the city, the pollen count can get high Vehicle emissions and pollen when combined with the weather, is known to cause allergy in the breathing cavity This leads to sneezing, common cold and fever People with pre-existing breathing conditions, like Asthma, are suggested to keep prescribed medication handy. Hospitals Edit. List of Major Hospitals and health care centers. Apollo Hospital - I I M Bannerghatta rd. Bengaluru Institute of Oncology. Bengaluru Medical College. BGS Hospital, Arekere. Bowring Lady Curzon Hospitals - Hospital Road, Shivajinagar. Bhagwan Mahaveer Jain Hospital, Millers road, Vasanth Nagar. Cadabams Rehab Center, Kanakapura. Chinmaya Mission Hospital - C M H Road, Indiranagar. Columbia Asia Hospital - Bellary Road, Hebbal. Columbia Asia, Yeshwanthpur. Eye Hospital, Bannerghatta Road. Eye Hospital, Basaveshwaranagar. Diabetacare - Bangalore, India. EPMC s Women s Clinic Surgery, 9th Block, Jayanagar. Eliya Prabha Maternity Center, Off Marenhalli Ring Road. Fortis Wockhardt Hospital - Opp I I M Bannerghatta Road. Fortis Wockhardt Hospital - 80 feet road, Nagarbhavi. Fortis Hospital, Vasanth Nagar. Fortis Hospital, Nagapura. Global Hospitals, Bengaluru. Gokula Curie Institute of Oncology. HCG Oncology, Bengaluru. HOSMAT Hospital Sports and Orthopedic Medicine - Magrath Road. KIMS Hospital. M S Ramaiah Super Speciality Hospital, New B E L Road, R M V 2nd Stage. Mahabodhi Mallige Hospital - Siddapura Road, Mavalli near Lalbagh. Manipal Hospital - Old Airport Road, Kodihalli. Manipal Hospital - Mysore Road, Rajarajeshwarinagar. Mallige Medical Centre-31 32,Crescent Road. Mallya Hospital - Vittal Mallya Road. Mallya Hospital, Sampangirama Nagar. Minto Eye Hospital, Bengaluru Medical College. Narayana Hrudayalaya - Hebbugodi, Hosur Road. Narayana Nethralaya. National Institute of Mental Health A nd Neuro Sciences NIMHANS - Wilson Garden, Hosur Roadhradhama Superspeciality Eye Hospital, Jayanagar. People Tree Hospitals, Yeshwanthpur. St Johns Medical College Hospital - Sarjapur Road, Koramangala. Sagar Hospital - Tilaknagar, Bannerghatta Road. Sanjay Gandhi Hospital - Tilaknagar, Jayanagar. SDM College of Medical Sciences, Dharwad. SDS T B Sanitorium, Bengaluru Medical College. Al-Shifa Hospital, Darus Salam, Queens Road. Sparsh Hospital, Bommasandra Industrial Area. Sri Sathya Sai Super Speciality Hospital - I T P L Whitefield. Sri Jayadeva Institute of Cardiology - 9th block, Bannerghatta Road, Jayanagar. Vanivilas Women and Children Hospital, Bengaluru Medical College. Vasan Eye Care Rajaji Nagar, Koramangala, Banswadi Jayanagar. Victoria Hospital, Bengaluru Medical College. Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre Whitefield, Bengaluru. Yashoda Medicare and Research Center. Pharmacies Edit. Pharmacies are present apleanty, you should not have a problem locating one You do no t need a prescription for Over the Counter drugs and ayurvedic medicine Proprietary and traditional Available for common ailments like fever headache You need a prescription for other medicines, such as Schedule H Condoms are sometimes seen in short supply Stores are easy to identify Terms, used in local parlance are chemist, druggist, pharmacist, even reffered to as a sweet shop in semi-rural confines Stock juice boxes for heat exhaustion If overweight or obese, be careful asking for a ride Some are likely to hold the other for ransom The bike in general looses its capability to steer. Consulates Edit. France 156 edit. Germany 157 edit. Japan 158 edit. Contact Edit. Cell phone coverage in the city is excellent There are many service providers offering a wide variety of plans If you are planning on travelling around outside the metropolitan area it might be a good idea to buy a cell phone and use one of the pre-paid plans to get yourself connected whilst you are still in the city 3G connecti vity is superb all along the city 4G Internet have arrived but sims are under development. Get out Edit. Stock Price Quotes. Noesis Industries Ltd. Noesis Industries Ltd. Standalone Financial Results, Limited Review Report for September 30, 2016 Announcement.10 Nov,2016, 02 45PM IST. Noesis Industries Ltd has informed BSE about 1 Standalone Financial Results for the period ended September 30, 2016 2 Standalone Limited Review for the period ended September 30, 2016.Noesis Industries Ltd has informed BSE about 1 Standalone Financial Results for the period ended September 30, 2016 2 Standalone Limited Review for the period ended September 30, 2016less. Board Meeting Intimation for Results s CEO is Adip Rishi It s Board of Directors include Kumar Jain, Singh, Adip Rishi, Galhotra, Gupta, Kumar Sood, Gupta, Singh Company has its registered office at Media House B-86 1, Okhla Industrial Area Phase-II, New Delhi, 110020, Delhi Company has Arun Kishore Co as its auditors As on 31-12-2016, the company has a total of 26,329,091 shares outstanding. Alert Watchlist Portfolio.

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